Transformation Programme definition
Examples of Transformation Programme in a sentence
In preparing this report, the report author has considered the likely implications of the decision - particularly in terms of Carbon Footprint / Environmental Issues;Constitutional & Legal; Contracts; Corporate Priorities; Crime & Disorder; Data Protection; Equality & Diversity/Human Rights; Financial; Health & Wellbeing; Reputation; Risk Management; Safeguarding; Staffing; Stakeholders/Consultation/Timescales; Transformation Programme; Other.
In preparing this report, the report author has considered the likely implications of the decision - particularly in terms of Carbon Footprint / Environmental Issues; Constitutional & Legal; Contracts; Corporate Priorities; Crime & Disorder; Equality & Diversity/Human Rights; Financial; Health & Wellbeing; Reputation; Risk Management;Safeguarding; Staffing; Stakeholders/Consultation/Timescales; Transformation Programme; Other.
Support for the development of multidisciplinary services in the community for the management of chronic disease is a key aspect of the HSE Transformation Programme.
Through the development of the HSE Transformation Programme and the Primary Care Strategy, there is increasing emphasis on the need for a community based approach to long term chronic illness.
This is exactly the type of situation that the Transformation Programme has been developed to address.
This balancing of local demand for services and financial constraints has been successfully managed through the Council’s Business Improvement Delivery (BID Transformation) Programme.
This expenditure relates to the upfront investment costs for the Council’s Transformation Programme (T18).
Accompanying the strategy is a programme of major reviews which are considered to be key drivers and enablers of transformation across the organisation.As part of the Council’s Transformation Programme 2015-2020, a review of the school estate was approved.
In preparing this report, the report author has considered the likely implications of the decision - particularly in terms of Carbon Footprint / Environmental Issues; Constitutional & Legal; Contracts; Corporate Priorities; Crime & Disorder; Equality & Diversity/Human Rights; Financial; Health & Wellbeing; Reputation; Risk Management; Safeguarding; Staffing; Stakeholders/Consultation/Timescales; Transformation Programme; Other.
Purpose of Report or Summary of Main Issues 1.1 The Council’s Physical Programme covers over 150 live regeneration projects across a range of funding streams including the Capital Programme, Leisure Transformation Programme, Belfast Investment Fund, Local Investment Fund, Social Outcomes Fund and the projects which the Council is delivering on behalf of other agencies.