Transmission Function definition

Transmission Function means the planning, directing, organizing or carrying out of day-to-day transmission operations, including the granting and denying of transmission service requests;
Transmission Function means the planning, directing, organizing or carrying out of day-to- day transmission operations, including the granting and denying of Transmission Service requests. Otter Tail’s day-to-day transmission functions are carried out by employees of Otter Tail’s System Operations Department. For Standards of Conduct purposes, Transmission Functions do not include performing system impact studies, facilities studies, and transmission planning, with the exception that Transmission Functions do include system impact studies to determine whether a transmission system can support a Transmission Service request, regardless of the duration of the Transmission Service that has been requested.
Transmission Function employee: – An employee, contractor, consultant, or agent of the Transmission Provider who conducts transmission system operations or reliability functions, including, but not limited to, those who are engaged in day-to-day duties and responsibilities for planning, directing, organizing, or carrying out transmission-related operations. Transmission Function employees cannot be shared. • “Energy Marketing or Sales Function” employee: – An employee within Dominion Virginia Power who makes sales for resale of gas or electricity in interstate commerce, including any employee of the utility’s energy sales unit or pipeline’s sales operating unit. There is one Dominion group that qualifies: Energy Supply group in Fossil & Hydro.

Examples of Transmission Function in a sentence

  • In particular, if any non-public Transmission Function Information is provided to a Marketing Function Employee in contravention of the Standards of Conduct, then a Transmission Provider must immediately post such information so that all shippers have equal access to that information.

  • Converting transmitted faxes to electronic formats and sending them to a computer See "Overview of Folder Transmission Function", Fax .

  • Marketing Function Employees may also not have access to any gas control center or any software applications that allow access to non-public Transmission Function Information, including Customer Information.

  • Transmission Function Employees must function independently from the Marketing Function Employees, except as specifically permitted by the FERC rules.

  • The Transmission Provider is prohibited from using anyone as a conduit for the disclosure of non-public Transmission Function Information to its MFEs.

  • This means Transmission Function Employees and Marketing Function Employees must be physically separated and may not perform one another’s roles.

  • New TFEs, MFEs, officers, directors, supervisory employees, and any other employees, contractors, or agents likely to become privy to Transmission Function Information will be trained as soon as possible upon commencing employment, but no later than thirty (30) days after commencement.

  • A Transmission Provider may share non-public Transmission Function Information with its officers, directors, managers or other supervisory personnel who are not Marketing Function Employees.

  • Transmission Function Information also includes any information acquired from non-affiliated transmission customers or potential non-affiliated transmission customers, or developed in the course of responding to requests for transmission or ancillary service on the Open Access Same-Time Information System (“OASIS”) or Internet Web site, except to the limited extent information is required to be posted on the OASIS or Internet Web site in response to a request for transmission service or ancillary services.

  • Transmission Provider employees, contractors, consultants or agents AND employees, contractors, consultants, or agents of an Affiliate with MFEs are prohibited from disclosing non-public Transmission Function Information to MFEs.

Related to Transmission Function

  • Transmission Provider means any entity or entities transmitting or transporting the Product on behalf of Seller or Buyer to or from the Delivery Point.

  • Transmission Services the services provided by the Transmission Provider(s) to the Distributor;

  • Transmission System means the facilities controlled or operated by the Transmission Provider within the PJM Region that are used to provide transmission service under Tariff, Part II and Part III.

  • Transmission Operator means the entity responsible for the reliability of its “local” Transmission System, and that operates or directs the operations of the Transmission Facilities.

  • Transmission links are the means used for inter-connecting distributed units for the purpose of conveying signals, operating data or an energy supply. This equipment is generally electrical but may, in some part, be mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic.

  • Transmission Customer means any eligible customer, shipper or designated agent that can or does execute a transmission service agreement or can or does receive transmission service, including all persons who have pending requests for transmission service or for information regarding transmission.

  • Transmission Facilities shall have the meaning set forth in the Operating Agreement.

  • Transmission Service means Point-To-Point Transmission Service provided under Tariff, Part II on a firm and non-firm basis.

  • Transmission Facility means a facility for transmitting electricity, and includes any structures, equipment or other facilities used for that purpose as defined in the Parties respective XXXXx.

  • Transmission pipeline means any high pressure transmission pipeline connected to, but excluding the Maui Pipeline, that is used for the open access transportation of Gas, and includes all items of plant, equipment, fixtures and fittings directly appurtenanced to that pipeline, but excluding any item which is controlled by a party other than that pipeline’s TP Welded Party and any low pressure distribution system.

  • Transmission Service Agreement or “TSA” shall mean the agreement entered into between Long Term Transmission Customer(s) and the TSP pursuant to which TSP shall build, own, operate and maintain the Project and make available the assets of the Project to Long Term Transmission Customer(s) on a commercial basis;

  • Transmission Business means the authorised business of a transmission licensee to transmit electricity, whether for its own account or for that of any other person, through any system owned and/ or operated by such licensee;

  • Transmission System Operator means a natural or legal person responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the transmission system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity;

  • Transmission Interconnection Customer means an entity that submits an Interconnection Request to interconnect or add Merchant Transmission Facilities to the Transmission System or to increase the capacity of Merchant Transmission Facilities interconnected with the Transmission System in the PJM Region or an entity that submits an Upgrade Request for Merchant Network Upgrades (including accelerating the construction of any transmission enhancement or expansion, other than Merchant Transmission Facilities, that is included in the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan prepared pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 6).

  • Transmission Owner means a Member that owns or leases with rights equivalent to ownership Transmission Facilities and is a signatory to the PJM Transmission Owners Agreement. Taking transmission service shall not be sufficient to qualify a Member as a Transmission Owner.

  • transmission means transmission by operation of law, devolution on the personal representative of a deceased person and any other mode of transfer, not being assignment;

  • Transmission Service Provider means the entity that administers the transmission tariff and provides transmission service to transmission customers under applicable transmission service agreements.

  • Transmission Charges means the charges payable to TSP by Long Term Transmission Customer(s) pursuant to the TSA, as adopted by the Appropriate Commission;

  • Local Loop Transmission “Unbundled Local Loop”, “Loop” means the transmission path which extends from the Network Interface Device or demarcation point at an End User’s premise to the Main Distribution Frame or other designated frame or panel in the SBC-AMERITECH Serving Wire Center.

  • Transmission Licensee means a licensee authorised to establish or operate transmission lines;

  • Transmission System Code means the code, approved by the Board, that is in force at the relevant time, which regulates the financial and information obligations of the Transmitter with respect to its relationship with customers, as well as establishing the standards for connection of customers to, and expansion of a transmission system;

  • Transmission Injection Rights means Capacity Transmission Injection Rights and Energy Transmission Injection Rights.

  • Network Transmission Service means transmission service provided pursuant to the rates, terms and conditions set forth in Tariff, Part III, or transmission service comparable to such service that is provided to a Load Serving Entity that is also a Transmission Owner.

  • Regional Transmission Organization or “RTO” means the regional transmission organization approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the control area that includes the utility’s assigned service area (as defined in IC 8-1-2.3-2).

  • Interconnection Provider means PacifiCorp Transmission.

  • Intra-State Transmission System means any system for transmission of electricity other than an Inter-State Transmission System;