Examples of Transport Water in a sentence
Choose from the following the one category that most closely applies: Social Sciences, Ground-water Flow and Transport, Water Quality, Biological Sciences, Engineering, or Climate and Hydrologic Processes.
Choose from the following the one category that most closely applies: Social Sciences, Groundwater Flow and Transport, Water Quality, Biological Sciences, Engineering, or Climate and Hydrologic Processes.
These impacts include Cleaner Energy, Education, Environmental Services, Health, Resource Efficiency, Safety, Sustainable Transport, Water Management and Well-being.
These are: Cleaner Energy, Education, Environmental Services, Health, Resource Efficiency, Safety, Sustainable Transport, Water Management and Well-being.
The subjects evaluated are Environmental Transport, Water Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, and Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment System Design.
Choose from the following the one that most closely applies: Social Sciences, Ground-water Flow and Transport, Water Quality, Biological Processes, Engineering, or Climate and Hydrological Processes.
Claimants usually can not access these rights of their own accord.
This method is employed in Railways, Road Transport, Water supply undertakings, Telephone services, Electricity companies, Hospital services, Municipal services,etc.5. Multiple or Complete Costing: Some products are so complex that no single system of costing is applicable.
It is important to re-state the boundaries of the study and the eventual Master Plan as developed under this TA: Defined by ADB TOR• Coverage of strategic infrastructure sectors of Transport, Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste, Energy, Telecommunications.• Focus on the Outer Islands.• Master Plan excludes Health, Education, Agriculture, Fisheries and other sectors.
The strategy used a structured approach that focused on seven key areas (Citizen Engagement, Planning, Energy, Transport, Water, Waste, and Ecosystems & Biodiversity), and set out how the DLAs would develop the four climate change action plans.