Examples of Certified Environmental Laboratory in a sentence
All environmental samples shall be analyzed within the time frame allowed, in accordance with Table 4.1 of "RCRA Ground-Water Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document" (OSWER Directive 9950.1), by a Certified Environmental Laboratory.
Name and address of Certified Environmental Laboratory performing analysis.
All environmental samples shall be analyzed within the time frame allowed, in accordance with Table 4.1 of the "EPA RCRA Ground-water Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document" (OSWER Directive 9950.1), by a Utah Certified Environmental Laboratory approved by the Executive Secretary.
IEPA Certified Environmental Laboratory, Number 100202 Illinois State Water SurveyChemistry Division 2204 Griffith Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-7495Telephone (217) 333-9321Telefax (217) 333-6540WATER SAMPLE DATA LABORATORY SAMPLE NUMBER: 228963 SOURCE: TEST HOLE NO.
The laboratory is a Minnesota State Certified Environmental Laboratory and is managed by the Olmsted County Environmental Resources Department.
Name and address of Certified Environmental Laboratory performing analysis.In addition to the sampling information the pollutant reporting table on the following pages must be submitted by each new user and by current industrial users for each permit renewal application.Pollutant Reporting TableDo not leave any blanks in the pollutant present field.
Staff maintained our State Certified Environmental Laboratory status by successfully measuring pH and specific conductance proficiency test samples.
Certified Environmental Laboratory Testing Services contract, awarded to Eurofins, QC, Inc.
All environmental samples shall be analyzed within the time frame allowed, in accordance with Table 4.1 of "RCKA Ground-Water Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document" (”SWER Directive 9950.1), by a Certified Environmental Laboratory.
The applicant thereafter referred to UPSC for making necessary corrections and not to proceed further till proper decision is taken upon the said question.