Examples of Treaty Principles in a sentence
EU Treaty Principles, in particular, apply to all Council procurement activity, not just to contracts that exceed the relevant EU thresholds (see section 6).
EU Procurement Law means EU Directive 2014/24 (consolidated into English law as the Public Contracts Regulations 2015), EU Treaty Principles, relevant case law and any subsequent directives or legislation relating to EU procurement.
EU Treaty Principles means the principles of transparency, equal treatment, proportionality and non-discrimination in the letting of any Contract.
Further, EU Treaty Principles apply to all Contracts, not just to those that exceed the EU thresholds.
The Standing Orders are applied having regard always to the EU Treaty Principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination, proportionality and transparency.
Assuming that the Grant Recipient is not a contracting authority, they will still be required to comply with the Treaty Principles or National Rules, details of which are contained within Chapter 6 of the ESIF Guidance.
Regardless of whether procurement is an ‘above threshold’ procurement, i.e. the contract value exceeds the threshold level above which it is mandatory to advertise the procurement in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), it is important to note that the EU Treaty Principles still apply.
The EC Treaty Principles also require all purchasing processes to be run in an open and transparent manner.
Whilst the Regulations have limited application to Part B (for example in relation to the publication of Contract Award Notices), Contracting Authorities are under an obligation to carry out these procurements in accordance with the general EU Treaty Principles of transparency, non-discrimination and proportionality.
In order for the expenditure included in the Grant Agreement to be considered eligible for reimbursement, the beneficiary must demonstrate that the process used to determine the suppliers of goods, works and services for actions part-financed through the European Regional Development Fund 2014 – 2020, under any of the Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes, is consistent with the Treaty Principles, namely: Equal Treatment; Transparency; Non-discrimination; Mutual Recognition; and Proportionality.