Public Procurement. The Parties shall cooperate to develop conditions for open and competitive award of contracts for goods and services in particular through calls for tenders.
Public Procurement. The Grant Recipient will ensure that any of its Representatives involved in the Funded Activities will, adopt such policies and procedures that are required in order to ensure that value for money has been obtained in the procurement of goods or services funded by the Grant.
Public Procurement. 1. The Parties consider the opening up of the award of public contracts on the basis of non-discrimination and reciprocity, to be a desirable objective.
2. As of the entry into force of this Agreement, both Parties shall grant each other’s companies access to contract award procedures a treatment no less favorable than that accorded to companies of any other country.
Public Procurement. The Parties agree on the objective of a progressive liberalization of public procurement. The Joint Committee will hold consultations on the implementation of this objective.
Public Procurement. 1. The Community and Serbia consider the opening-up of the award of public contracts on the basis of non-discrimination and reciprocity, following in particular the WTO rules, to be a desirable objective.
2. Serbian companies, whether established in the Community or not, shall be granted access to contract award procedures in the Community pursuant to Community procurement rules under treatment no less favourable than that accorded to Community companies as from the entry into force of this Agreement. The above provisions shall also apply to contracts in the utilities sector once the government of Serbia has adopted the legislation introducing the Community rules in this area. The Community shall examine periodically whether Serbia has indeed introduced such legislation.
3. Community companies established in Serbia under the provisions of Chapter II of Title V shall, from the entry into force of this Agreement, be granted access to contract award procedures in Serbia under treatment no less favourable than that accorded to Serbian companies.
4. Community companies not established in Serbia shall be granted access to contract award procedures in Serbia pursuant to the Serbian Law on Public Procurement under treatment no less favourable than that accorded to Serbian companies at the latest five years after the entry into force of this Agreement. Upon the entry into force of this Agreement, Serbia shall convert any existing preference for domestic economic entities to a price preference and, within a period of five years, shall gradually reduce the latter in accordance with the following timetable: – the preferences shall not exceed 15 % by the end of the second year following the entry into force of this Agreement; – the preferences shall not exceed 10 % by the end of the third year following the entry into force of this Agreement; – the preferences shall not exceed 5 % by the end of the fourth year following the entry into force of this Agreement; and – the preferences will be completely abolished no later than the end of the fifth year following the entry into force of this Agreement.
5. The Stabilisation and Association Council shall periodically examine the possibility for Serbia to introduce access to contract award procedures in Serbia for all Community companies. Serbia shall report annually to the Stabilisation and Association Council on the measures they have taken to enhance transparency and to provide for effective judicial review of decisions tak...
Public Procurement. 1. The Parties consider the effective liberalisation of their respective public procurement markets on the basis of non-discrimination and reciprocity, as an integral objective of this Agreement.
2. To this effect, the Parties shall elaborate rules within the framework of the Joint Committee with a view to ensuring such liberalisation. Due account shall be given to developments under the auspices of the WTO.
3. The Parties concerned shall endeavour to accede to the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement.
Public Procurement. 1. The Parties to this Agreement consider the effective liberalization of their respective public procurement markets an integral objective of this Agreement.
2. The Joint Committee will review progress in this area annually.
Public Procurement. 1. The Contracting Parties consider the liberalization of their respective public procurement markets as an objective of this Agreement. The Contracting Parties aim at opening up of the award of public procurement on the basis of non-discrimination and reciprocity.
2. The Contracting Parties will progressively develop their respective rules, conditions and practices on public procurement and shall grant suppliers of the other Contracting Party access to contract award procedures on their respective public procurement markets not less favourable than that accorded to companies of any third country.
3. The Joint Committee shall examine developments related to the achievement of the objectives of this Article and may recommend practical modalities of implementing the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article so as to ensure free access, transparency and full balance of rights and obligations. During the examination referred to this paragraph from this article, the Joint Committee may consider, especially in the light of international regulations in this area, the possibility of extending the coverage and/or the degree of the market opening provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article.
4. The Contracting Parties shall endeavour to accede to the relevant Agreements negotiated under the auspices of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement establishing the WTO.
Public Procurement. 1. The Parties reaffirm their commitment to open and transparent public procurement frameworks which, consistent with their international obligations, promote value for money, competitive markets and non-discriminatory purchasing practices, and thus enhance trade between the Parties.
2. The Parties agree to further strengthen their consultation, cooperation and exchanges of experience and best practices in the area of public procurement on issues of mutual interest, including on their respective regulatory frameworks.
3. The Parties agree to explore ways to further promote access to each other's procurement markets and to exchange views on measures and practices which could adversely affect procurement trade between them.
Public Procurement. 1. The Community and Montenegro consider the opening-up of the award of public contracts on the basis of non-discrimination and reciprocity, following in particular the WTO rules, to be a desirable objective.
2. Montenegrin companies, whether established or not in the Community, shall be granted access to contract award procedures in the Community pursuant to Community procurement rules under treatment no less favourable than that accorded to Community companies as from the entry into force of this Agreement. The above provisions shall also apply to contracts in the utilities sector once the government of Montenegro has adopted the legislation introducing the Community rules in this area. The Community shall examine periodically whether Montenegro has indeed introduced such legislation.
3. Community companies established in Montenegro under the provisions of Chapter II of Title V shall, from the entry into force of this Agreement, be granted access to contract award procedures in Montenegro under treatment no less favourable than that accorded to Montenegrin companies.
4. Community companies not established in Montenegro shall be granted access to contract award procedures in Montenegro under treatment no less favourable than that accorded to Montenegrin companies as from the entry into force of this Agreement.
5. The Stabilisation and Association Council shall periodically examine the possibility for Montenegro to introduce access to contract award procedures in Montenegro for all Community companies. Montenegro shall report annually to the Stabilisation and Association Council on the measures they have taken to enhance transparency and to provide for effective judicial review of decisions taken in the area of public procurement.
6. As regards establishment, operations, supply of services between the Community and Montenegro, and also employment and movement of labour linked to the fulfilment of public contracts, the provisions of Articles 49 to 64 are applicable.