Tribal lands definition

Tribal lands means all lands within the exterior boundaries of any Indian reservation and all dependent Indian communities.
Tribal lands means any federally recognized reservation established by treaty, agreement, executive order, or act of congress.
Tribal lands means “Indian Country” as defined in 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1151, lands owned by or held in trust for an Indian tribe, and sensitive tribal areas. For the purposes of this chapter, “sensitive tribal areas” are areas in which an Indian tribe has a significant interest, such as sacred sites, traditional cultural properties, and burial grounds protected under chapter 27.44 RCW.

Examples of Tribal lands in a sentence

  • An amendment shall be effective for Undertakings occurring on or affecting historic properties on Tribal lands only when the Tribe has signed the Agreement and its amendment.

  • A Tribe or TDHE may provide ERA1 funds to non-Tribal members living on Tribal lands, provided these individuals are not already receiving ERA assistance from another Tribe or TDHE, state, or local government.

  • The Agreement shall go into effect regarding Undertakings occurring, or affecting historic properties, on Tribal lands when the relevant Tribe has signed the Agreement.

  • Tribal members living outside Tribal lands may receive ERA1 funds from their Tribe or TDHE, provided they are not already receiving ERA assistance from another Tribe or TDHE, state, or local government.

  • Following such a withdrawal, FEMA shall review undertakings that may affect historic properties of religious and cultural significance to the Tribe, and Undertakings that occur on the Tribal lands of the relevant Tribe, in accordance with 36 CFR §§ 800.3 through 800.7, 36 CFR § 800.8(c), or an applicable alternative under 36 CFR § 800.14.

More Definitions of Tribal lands

Tribal lands means that portion of Indian country (as that term is defined in section 1151 of title 18 of the U.S. Code) that is within or abutting a na- tional park.
Tribal lands means all lands with- in the exterior boundaries of any In- dian reservation and all dependent In- dian communities.
Tribal lands means lands recognized as “Indian country” within the meaning of title 18, United States Code, section 1151.
Tribal lands means those lands for which the United States government has a trust responsibility to a native American tribe or a member of a native American tribe. This includes reservations, pueblo land grants, tribal trust lands and individual trust allotments.
Tribal lands means land held by the United States in trust for a federally
Tribal lands means the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation as that term is defined in 25 U.S.C. § 1752 (7) together with any land held by the United States government in trust for the Tribe or any other area subject to the Tribe’s jurisdiction.
Tribal lands means all lands which: