Triplex Dwelling definition
Examples of Triplex Dwelling in a sentence
In a Residential Medium Density (RMD) Zone, no development permit shall be issued for a residential use except in conformity with the following requirements: Triplex Dwelling orConverted Dwellings to a maximum of 4 UnitsRowhouse Dwelling up to 4 UnitsApartments or Double Duplex DwellingsMinimum Lot Area650 square meters(7,000 sq.
Mr. Campbell agrees, and referred the Tribunal to the definition of “Triplex Dwelling” in the Zoning By-law, which provides that in Near-Campus Neighbourhoods, “a dwelling unit within a Triplex Dwelling shall contain no more than three bedrooms.” In this case, then, the proposed dwelling could have up to 9 bedrooms in accordance with the Zoning By-law.
This amendment shall be repeated in the definitions of Duplex Dwelling, Triplex Dwelling, Fourplex Dwelling, and Semi-detached Dwelling.
Subsection 5.2.9 “Specific Parking Regulations” shall be amended by the addition of the following sentence after the words “triplex dwellings” with “fourplex dwelling.” @TayTownship 30 Section 10 Multiple Residential “R3” Zone Subsection 10.2 “Uses Permitted” be amended by adding “Dwelling, Triplex, Dwelling, Foruplex” after “Dwelling, Duplex”.
The proposed zoning by-law would amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2016-088 by rezoning the subject lands from Residential Type 1 Special – 5 (R1-5) to Residential Type 3 Special – 26 (R3-26) in order to permit Group Housing to a maximum of four Dwelling Units consisting of one Triplex Dwelling and one Detached Dwelling.