Examples of TSF Stocks in a sentence
Eligible Securities held in a CCMS Collateral Account are either transferred from Stock Accounts in CCASS, other than the Stock Collateral Control Accounts and where the Eligible Securities are earmarked TSF Stocks, other than the TSF Accounts, or from other CCMS Collateral Accounts as permitted by HKSCC from time to time.
This account may be used by a TSF CCASS Participant to hold earmarked TSF Stocks for its clients as a segregated client account or for its own proprietary use.
A TSF Segregated Account is for the sole purpose of holding earmarked TSF Stocks.
List of Eligible Securities and List of TSF Stocks HKSCC shall maintain for public inspection a list of Eligible Securities and shall from time to time add to such list or remove therefrom issues of Eligible Securities in accordance with the Rules.HKSCC, as TSF operator, shall maintain for public inspection a list of TSF Stocks; and shall from time to time add to or remove from such list TSF Stocks in accordance with Rule 12A04.
Earmarking and De-earmarking of TSF Stocks All TSF Stocks purchased through the TSF shall be earmarked as such and shall be held in CCASS in either a TSF Principal Account or a TSF Segregated Account.
De- earmarking of earmarked TSF Stocks can also be effected by the submission of a Stock Release Request as referred to in Rule 12A12.
A TSF CCASS Participant may transfer its earmarked TSF Stocks between its TSF Principal Account and its TSF Segregated Account, by the input of an ATI or by the upload of an “ATI Batch File”.
A TSF Principal Account is TSF CCASS Participant’s main Stock Account where earmarking or de-earmarking of TSF Stocks is effected through the transfer of TSF Stocks into or out of this Account.
A TSF CCASS Participant may, transfer its earmarked TSF Stocks from its TSF Account to another TSF CCASS Participant’s TSF Account, by the input of a SI or by the upload of a “SI Batch File”.