Examples of TTY service in a sentence
The phone number above may also be reached by individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, or with speech disabilities, through the Federal Relay Service’s Text Telephone (TTY) service at 1-800-877-8339.
Note that accommodations must be made for any public body member who requires TTY service, video relay service, or other form of adaptive telecommunications.What are the minimum requirements for remote participation?Any public body using remote participation during a meeting must ensure that the following minimum requirements are met: 1.
The unit phones are available with a TTY service and Spanish options Findings by Provision: 115.16 (a) Policy DC-ADM 008, Section 4, page 1 indicates the agency has established procedures to provide disabled inmates equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from all aspects of the efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
The unit phones are available with a TTY service and Spanish options 3.
South Gippsland Water provides access to an interpreter service and a TTY service for speech and hearing impaired customers.
Currently,§ 382.47(a), requires those U.S. carriers that provide telephone reservation and information services to the public to make equivalent TTY service available for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
DMMA also offers TTY service DDDS also makes an effort to hire case managers who are bi-lingual and who sign ASL.
However, viability statements are yet to deliver all the external benefits expected when they were introduced.
Note that accommodations must be made for any public body member who requires TTY service, video relay service, or other form of adaptive telecommunications.
UK Power Networks’ Asset Management directorate already play an important part in the offering of connections to customers.