Unacceptable Behaviour definition

Unacceptable Behaviour means any behaviour which falls within section 39.3 of these By- laws.
Unacceptable Behaviour means any activity which violates Superior’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or any of the other policies of Superior referred to therein, including without limitation Fraud and other questionable accounting or auditing practices.
Unacceptable Behaviour means not wearing a seat-belt, opening or closing doors (this must be done by the chauffeur), leaning out of the window of the Vehicle, exceeding the maximum permitted number of Passengers, smoking or Chewing Pan/Tobacco in the Vehicle, being under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of or in possession of any illegal/intoxicating substance, being rude, violent, aggressive or a danger or potential danger to himself or any other person, being rowdy or being in any way in an unfit state to travel.

Examples of Unacceptable Behaviour in a sentence

  • A single finding of “unacceptable behaviour” may result in the termination of your Accommodation Agreement without prior warning (see5.4 Early Termination for Unacceptable Behaviour).

  • It is simply a way for members to control their meeting.Rule 9: Unacceptable Behaviour 1.

  • Any breaches of these will incur sanctions.Choice: All members of our school community are responsible for their actions and the choices that they make at school and in the wider community.Consequences: The choices that are made at our school will have consequences Good Choices = Positive Behaviour for Learning = RewardsBad Choices = Unacceptable Behaviour for Learning = SanctionsCertainty: It is the certainty that a sanction will occur, not the severity of the sanction that is key.

  • The appropriate Head of Junior School or Head of Secondary School may make a recommendation to the Principal arising out of an investigation into a Red Level: High Level Unacceptable Behaviour.

  • Applicants or members of their households who take part in, or have taken part in Anti-Social Behaviour or Unacceptable Behaviour in the last 12 months, for which there is evidence e.g. a court order or a conviction, may not be included on the Housing Register.

More Definitions of Unacceptable Behaviour

Unacceptable Behaviour means physically or psychologically aggressive behaviours including but not limited to:
Unacceptable Behaviour means any conduct which falls short of the standard of behaviour expected of clergy and church workers. This includes bullying.
Unacceptable Behaviour means any behaviour considered to be unacceptable by the chauffeur including refusing to wear a seatbelt, leaning out of the window of the vehicle, standing out of the sunroof, attempting to exceed the maximum permitted number of passengers, smoking in the vehicle, being under the influence of excessive alcohol or under the influence of or in possession of any illegal substance, being violent aggressive or abusive, being a danger to himself or any other person, being excessively rowdy, provoking persons in the party to commit violent acts, or being in any way unfit to travel.
Unacceptable Behaviour means any activity which violates Superior’s Code of Business Conduct & Ethics.
Unacceptable Behaviour means behaviour that endangers the well-being of others, damages property or significantly disrupts the learning of others, and includes
Unacceptable Behaviour means any form of conduct or behaviour of a physical, verbal or non- verbal kind which has some or all of the following elements:
Unacceptable Behaviour means, dishonesty, violent or abusive conduct, racist, sexist or obscene behaviour or any other serious breach of rules or codes of conduct for employees;