Underwriting Firm definition
Examples of Underwriting Firm in a sentence
Probable Par IssuedMaximum Par IssuedHVAC and Energy Conservation Project Members of the financing team, including Bond Counsel, Financial Advisor, and Underwriting Firm, were previously selected in accordance with the State Procurement Code.
NEW BUSINESS The Board approved L.J. Hart as Bond Underwriting Firm, the FFA State Convention trip, the Band Trip to Silver Dollar City, the Choir trip to the Dixie Stampede and the Jr. Beta National trip.
Nevertheless, the State reserves the right to select more than one firm for this assignment.Respondents selected as special bracket senior managers will be notified on or about the date noted for Announcement of Selected Underwriting Firm in Section II.Proposals will be evaluated based on the responses to specifics outlined in the INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL section of this RFP.
That investment banking firms which are members of the Airports Authority’s primary underwriting pool approved by the Board in January 2019 and which meet the definition of an Emerging Underwriting Firm shall be allowed to voluntarily transfer into the initial Emerging Underwriter Pool established pursuant to this policy and to be among the five (or fewer) firms making up that initial pool; and 8.
The College seeks to retain the services of a qualified Underwriting Firm (the “Underwriter” or the “Firm”) to prepare and market Annual Appropriation Certificates of Participation (the “COP” or “Certificates”) in the amount of approximately $13.895 million.
As stated in Addendum #1, the Respondent shall replace the Sections -Schedule (on page 2) and the section titled “Underwriting Firm Requirements” (page 14) of the RFP package with the revised “schedule” and “Underwriting Firm Requirements” attached and replace Schedule-revised and Underwriting Firm Requirements- Revised as part of the sealed bid package.
The RegionalList of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 571Imports, Motor vehicle safety, Motor vehicles.PART 571—FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS■ 1.
Underwriting CommissionMeaning, SEBI Guidelines 2000 for underwriting shares and Debentures, Underwriting Commission, Underwriting Agreement, Brokerage, Marked and Unmarked Application, Full and Partial Underwriting, Joint Underwriting, Firm Underwriting, Determination of Underwriters’ Liability,No of Lectures:- 122.
U n de r h i s lea de rs h ip, th e c ompa n y consistently experienced steady and remarkable accomplishments and he successfully transitioned the company from a Limited Liability Underwriting Firm to a Publicly Quoted Company in November 2006.
Baum & Company [on its own behalf and as representative of each Underwriting Firm].