Examples of Unit Trust Fund in a sentence
The number of units in your Unit Trust Fund depends on how much money you contribute and what the unit price is when the units are purchased.
Each unit represents a direct proportionate interest in every underlying asset of the Unit Trust Fund.
The single price per unit reflects the total assets of a Unit Trust Fund, less permissible deductions, divided by the number of units in issue.
Unit Trust Fund prices are calculated on a Net Asset Value (NAV) basis.
The assets into which investors’ money is placed are governed by the mandate of the Unit Trust Fund and are selected and managed by a professional Manager.
You may elect to gradually invest your initial investment into your selected Investment Portfolios from the Hollard Prime Money Market Unit Trust Fund by means of a fixed instalment phase-in over a 3, 6, 9 or 12 month period.
This risk can be mitigated through diversification in investments and investment sanctions outlined by the Unit Trust Fund Guidelines and based on Shariah Principles.
Ring-fencing makes sure that the sale of a large number of units will not force the Manager to sell the underlying assets at a price which could negatively affect Investors in the Unit Trust Fund.
It is caused by the large sale of units above a certain threshold in a Unit Trust Fund.
The A65F invests solely into an APIF (the Manulife Age 65 Plus Unit Trust Fund), which, in turn, invests as a feeder fund into an underlying APIF, currently the Vanguard Income Fund (the “second level APIF”).