Examples of Blind Trust in a sentence
Please see definition for Blind Trust and/or Discretionary Managed Account as defined in the Definitions section above.
Table 2 contains a list of all SA4 input documents to TSG-SA#20 (Tdocs SP-030211 until SP-030219).The SA4 status report is contained in Tdocs SP-030211.
Access Persons are not required to include on the Quarterly Transactions Report Reportable Securities transactions held in accounts over which the Access Person has no direct or indirect influence or control such as a Discretionary managed Account or Blind Trust - provided that the CCO has received and approved the Discretionary Managed Account or Blind Trust.
For example, transactions in a Blind Trust will not be subject to any of the reporting provisions, restricted list trading restrictions, or the preclearance requirements of this Code.
However, you must report the fact that you have a Blind Trust (see Sections 7.1 and 7.2.1).