United Employees definition
Examples of United Employees in a sentence
In consideration of their acceptance as participants in the United Employees Benefit Trust, the undersigned Employer and Union do hereby subscribe to, and agree to be bound by the terms and provisions of the current Trust Agreement and any amendments thereto.
The Employer and Labor Organization identified below are parties to a collective bargaining agreement providing for participation in the United Employees Benefit Trust (UEBT).
Stakeholder Groups include: Academic Senate Council, Associated Students of Cuesta College, Cuesta College Classified United Employees, Cuesta College Federation of Teachers, Cuesta College Management Senate, and Superintendent/President’s Cabinet.
The following Employer does or is requesting that its non-represented employees be allowed to participate in the United Employees Benefit Trust (UEBT).
In addition, casual employees: • Are not be included in the AFT-Oregon Coast United Employees, Local 6020, AFT, AFL-CIO bargaining unit; • The total FTE of casual assignments at any given time will not exceed 20% of the total FTE of the Classified Support Staff group.
The United Employees Performance Incentive Plan (the "Plan") hereinafter described is designed to assist the Company in attaining these objectives.
In consideration of the acceptance of this Participation Agreement by the United Employees Benefit Trust, the undersigned Employer does hereby subscribe to, and agree to be bound by the terms and provisions of the current Trust Agreement and any amendments thereto.
Marion Mann, PT faculty noted that she was present as a representative AFT- OR Coast United Employees.
Plan -- The United Employees Performance Incentive Plan, as evidenced by this written instrument as may be amended from time to time.
The United Employees Benefit Trust is willing to advance these otherwise excluded benefits only if an enforceable mechanism exists to recover funds advanced.