Unprocessed timber definition
Examples of Unprocessed timber in a sentence
Unprocessed timber originating from private lands located outside of a sourcing area may be transferred by the holder of the sourcing area, or by persons acquiring such unprocessed timber who are eligible to export such timber, without including such a state- ment.
Unprocessed timber loaded on a vessel or other conveyance with a foreign destination, or is present at a facility such as a port or dock with intent to load it on a vessel or other conveyance with a foreign destination.
Unprocessed timber products are covered by the “2015 temporary export ban” which will be described in Section The measures at issue 63.
Unprocessed timber from National Forest System lands in Alaska may not be exported from the United States or shipped to other States without prior approval of the Regional For- ester.
Unprocessed timber products are those not impacted by tools, equipment of all kinds after being harvested, imported, and handled if confiscated and still in the original shape and parameter.
Unprocessed timber, whether from National Forest System or private lands, is exported directly when exported by the National Forest timber purchaser.
All ten “rare and valuable” species are covered by the “2005 export ban” described in Section Unprocessed timber products60.
Unprocessed timber products Unprocessed timber products are those not impacted by tools or equipment of any kind after being harvested, imported and handled (if confiscated) and still in their original shape and parameters.
Unprocessed timber sold under this Agreement shall not be exported from the United States nor used in direct or indirect substitution for unprocessed timber exported from private lands by PURCHASER or any person as defined in the Act (16 USC 620e).
Unprocessed timber is exported directly when the exporter is the purchaser of National Forest timber.