Examples of Unrestricted Net Assets in a sentence
As the funds are used in the agreed-upon activities, IICA recognizes simultaneously an income for funds released from restrictions and an expense of Trust Funds in the Statement of Activities of Unrestricted Net Assets.
As of June 30, 2008, the amount of restricted net assets due to enabling legislation was approximately $281,562.• Unrestricted Net Assets consist of net assets that do not meet the definition of Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt or Restricted Net Assets.
Financial Statement Presentation The financial statements report net assets and changes in net assets in three classes that are based upon the existence or absence of restrictions on uses that are placed by its donors, as follows: • Unrestricted Net Assets – Unrestricted net assets are resources available to support operations.
Accordingly, net assets of WFB and changes therein are classified and reported as follows: Unrestricted Net Assets – Net assets that are not subject to donor imposed stipulations.
Amounts reported in the Unrestricted Net Assets section of the balance sheet and identified as Board-Designated Operating Reserve.