Benefits and Protections. During FMLA leave, the employer must maintain the employee’s health coverage under any “group health plan” on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. Upon return from FMLA leave, most employees must be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms. Use of FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of an employee’s leave.
Benefits and Protections. Non-Certified professional employees under waiver shall receive all of the benefits and protections provided for regular professional employees in this Agreement.
Benefits and Protections. During FMLA leave, the City must maintain the eligible employee’s health coverage under any “group health plan” on the same terms and conditions as if the employee had continued to work. Upon return from FMLA leave, most employees must be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms. During the term of paid family or medical leave (for example, if the employee is utilizing available accrued vacation, sick and/or short term disability leave), vacation accrual continues. Employees on an approved FMLA leave who are receiving a paycheck will be paid for applicable holidays while on leave. During the term of unpaid family or medical leave, no pay or other benefits shall accrue, with the exception of any group health insurance benefits that were in effect at the time of the commencement of such leave, or new group health insurance benefits which are provided by the employer during the FMLA leave. Group health insurance shall be continued in force for the duration of FMLA leave and the City shall continue to pay that portion of the benefits normally paid by the City. The employee shall be responsible for payment of any premiums normally paid through payroll deductions. Such payments must be made by mail or in person to reach the Finance Department no later than the last working day of the month prior to the next following month of insurance coverage.
Benefits and Protections. Subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of the applicable plans, the District will continue to provide health insurance benefits for the full period of the approved family leave, provided the employee pays the same employee portion they were responsible for when actively employed (for example, dependent coverage). Employees who do not make such payments within thirty (30) days of the payment due date may be dropped from plan coverage until such time as the leave period terminates and the employee returns to work. Upon return from FMLA leave, most employees must be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms. Use of FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of an employee’s leave. The employee’s seniority shall accumulate during such leave, but the employee shall not otherwise accrue benefits (for example: vacation leave, sick leave, personal days, etc. ) if the leave extends beyond a full calendar month.
Benefits and Protections. During FMLA leave, the Employer agrees to maintain the Librarian’s health coverage on the same terms as if the Librarian had continued to work. Upon return from FMLA leave, Librarians will in most cases be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms. Use of FMLA leave will not result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of a Librarian’s leave. Seniority shall accrue during an FMLA leave.
Benefits and Protections. During FMLA leave, we will maintain your health insurance coverage on the same terms as if you continued to work, if you have indicated your intent to return to work at the end of your FMLA leave. Arrangements to pay the employee share of such benefits must be made by contacting the Business Office. If you do not return to work upon the completion of your FMLA leave, GCVS may recover the cost of any payments made to maintain your health insurance coverage, unless the failure to return to work was for reasons beyond your control. Use of FMLA leave will not result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of FMLA leave. Employees who return to work on or before the expiration of their FMLA leave will be restored to their original or an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms. Employees on FMLA leave are, however, not entitled to any greater rights than they would otherwise have been entitled, had they continued as active employees at GCVS.
Benefits and Protections. Group health insurance will be maintained for the employee on FMLA leave whenever such insurance was provided before the leave was taken on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. Employees will be required to pay for their share of the health insurance premiums while on leave in the same manner as they paid while working.