Upper Basin Compact definition
Examples of Upper Basin Compact in a sentence
The Upper Basin Compact established Colorado (where the largest share of runoff to the river originates) as the largest entitlement holder in the Upper Basin, with rights to 51.75% of any Upper Basin flows after Colorado River Compact obligations to the Lower Basin have been met.
The treaty has been supplemented by additional agreements between the United States and Mexico, known as minutes, regarding matters related to the treaty’s execution and interpretation.31 Upper Basin Compact and Colorado River Storage Project AuthorizationsProjects originally authorized for study in the Upper Basin under BCPA were not allowed to move forward until the Upper Basin states determined their individual water allocations, which they did under the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact of 1948.
Table 4.12 presents the ranked attitude items.Table 4.12: Attitude Measures VariablesStrongly Disagree Neutral AgreeStrongly Mean Std are updated in a timely manner (3)HD) 7.
Article VIII(d) of the Upper Basin Compact also establishes the Commission, which is composed of a commissioner representing each of the Upper Division States and a commissioner representing the United States, to perform all functions required by the Upper Basin Compact and do all things necessary, proper, or convenient in the performance of its duties either independently or in cooperation with any state or federal agency.
The treaty has been supplemented by additional agreements between the United States and Mexico, known as minutes.29 Upper Basin Compact and Colorado River Storage Project AuthorizationsProjects originally authorized for study in the Upper Basin under BCPA were not allowed to move forward until the Upper Basin states determined their individual water allocations, which they did under the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact of 1948 (Table 1, Figure 2).
Article VIII of the Upper Basin Compact authorizes the UCRC to, among other things, perform all functions required by the Compact and do all things necessary, proper, and convenient in the performance of its duties either independently or in cooperation with any state or federal agency.
Then, I increased my dialysis treatment; now I am better but that was the hardest and gloomiest time in my life.
Jason Anthony Robison, Climate Change and Allocation Institutions in the Colorado River Basin, in WESTERN WATER POLICY AND PLANNING IN A VARIABLE AND CHANGING CLIMATE 289, 301 tbl.16.1, 302 tbl.16.2 (2016) (analyzing states’ water budgets under Upper Basin Compact).
And as with the preparation of Article IV curtailment guidelines for the Upper Basin Compact, it seems prudent for this process to occur now rather than in a potentially higher-pressure future setting.
The UCRC was created by the Upper Basin Compact among the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.