Examples of Urban reserve in a sentence
Number of property : No. 2Name : Reserve Area GRLL-2Electronic entry : No. 11145362 of the Registry Office of Trujillo Location : Phase III, El Tablazo sector, Moche valley,Huanchaco district, province of Trujillo, department of La Libertad.Registry area : 17.32 hectaresSituation : Urban reserve with a right of way for the energy line.Base Price : S/.
Urban reserve development can lead to increased business activity, as well as political and social advantages.Through their agreements with First Nations, municipalities are able to generate revenue via the services they provide to the development.
A First Nation controlled business currently operates as a gas bar convenience store within a Saskatoon Urban reserve.
Urban reserve lines are reviewed in plan updates to determine the continuing validity and need for change of those boundaries.
Council will implement the following demand management strategies for the provision and rationalisation of recreation facilities: Community involvement: Involve the community in policy and reserve development through consultation over Strategies, Management Plans and Urban reserve development plans.Strategic Planning: The Council will monitor and assess changes in population structure and recreation preferences to enable provision to be related to varied and changing needs.