use of information definition

use of information means the assessment of data acquired through the reporting or the exchange of information under Articles 8 to 8ad within the scope of this Directive.
use of information means the use for its own needs in the fields of nuclear safety and radiation protection.
use of information means the use of information within Finior Capital Limited or

Examples of use of information in a sentence

  • Any such termination shall be without liability of any party to any other party except that the provisions of Section 9 (Payment of Expenses), Section 11 (Indemnification and Contribution), Section 12 (Representations and Agreements to Survive Delivery), Section 18 (Governing Law and Time; Waiver of Jury Trial), Section 19 (Consent to Jurisdiction) and Section 20 (Use of Information) hereof shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding such termination.

  • Notwithstanding any such termination, the provisions in this Agreement regarding Fees and Expenses, Use of Information, Indemnity, Arbitration of Disputes and Confidentiality shall survive and remain in full force and effect and be binding on any successors of the Company.

  • Any such termination will be without liability of any party to any other party except that the provisions of Section 9 (Expenses), Section 11 (Indemnification), Section 12 (Survival of Representations), Section 18 (Applicable Law; Waiver of Jury Trial), Section 19 (Consent to Jurisdiction), and Section 20 (Use of Information) hereof will remain in full force and effect notwithstanding such termination.

  • Any such termination shall be without liability of any party to any other party except that the provisions of Section 9 (Payment of Expenses), Section 11 (Indemnification and Contribution), Section 12 (Representations and Agreements to Survive Delivery), Section 18 (Governing Law and Time; Waiver of Jury Trial), Section 19 (Consent to Jurisdiction), and Section 20 (Use of Information) hereof shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding such termination.

  • Paragraph 2 – The management must adhere to the Manual on Disclosure and Use of Information and Policy for the Trading with Securities Issued by the Company, by executing the Joinder Agreement.

  • The obligations of the parties under this Agreement that by their nature would continue beyond the termination, cancellation or expiration of this Agreement, including by way of illustration only and not limitation, those in the clauses in Article 23 (Compliance With Laws), Article 16 (Insurance), Article 15 (Indemnification/Infringement), Article 12 (Use of Information), shall survive termination, cancellation or expiration of this Agreement.

  • Employees must comply with applicable BAC and Merrill Lynch policies regarding Use of Information, Advance Information and Material Nonpublic Information.No Employee may use his or her position or knowledge of Merrill Lynch or customer activities to gain personal benefit at the expense of customers.

  • A copy of the Company’s Use of Information Technology Services Policy can be obtained through the Company’s intranet or through HR.

  • Improper Use of Information No Access Person may use his or her knowledge about the securities transactions or holdings of a Client Account in trading for any account that is directly or indirectly beneficially owned by the Access Person or for any Affiliate Account.

  • At the taking of office, the Company’s Managers shall sign, in addition to the instrument of appointment, a statement pursuant to which they shall adhere to the terms of the Company’s ethics code and the “Policy of Disclosure and Use of Information and of Securities Trading” Manual.

More Definitions of use of information

use of information. We reserve the right, and you authorize us, to the use and assignment of all information regarding Site uses by you and all information provided by you in any manner consistent with our Privacy Policy. Submissions: All suggestions, ideas, notes, concepts, and other information you may, from time to time, send to us (collectively, "Submissions") shall be deemed and shall remain our sole property and shall not be subject to any obligation of confidence on our part. Without limiting the foregoing, we shall be deemed to own all known and hereafter existing rights of every kind and nature regarding the Submissions and shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the Submissions for any purpose, without compensation to the provider of the Submissions.
use of information. A YesMail member's email address will only be used by YesMail to periodically contact that member about member-selected interests. A marketer's or network partner's contact and company information will only be used in response to a direct inquiry about YesMail services. YesMail uses incoming and outgoing website traffic data to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website. We also use it to gather broad demographic information about our users in general. We may combine demographic information supplied by a user at registration time with site usage data to provide profiles, in aggregate form, about our users and their preferences as it relates to the YesMail Network. As part of providing customizable and personalized services, YesMail uses cookies to store and sometimes track information about members. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to a member's browser from a Web server and stored on a member's computer hard drive. Areas of YesMail sites where members are prompted to login or that are customizable require acceptance of cookies. Cookies are also used to help us track the response to messages sent to members on behalf of marketers so that we can report campaign results to the marketer and track response history.
use of information means use of information within ProLoan.
use of information means using, transmitting and familiarizing with information in other ways than collecting and processing information;
use of information. HealthAxis shall view as Insurdata's property any idea, data, program, technical, business or other intangible information, however conveyed, and any document, print, tape, disk, tool, or other tangible information-conveying or performance-aiding article owned or controlled by Insurdata, and provided to, or acquired by, HealthAxis. HealthAxis shall keep such information confidential and use it only as provided under the Transition Agreement and obligate its employees, subcontractors and others working for it to do so, provided that the foregoing shall not apply to information previously known to HealthAxis free of obligation, or made public through no fault imputable to HealthAxis. Since unauthorized use, transfer or disclosure of Insurdata's confidential information will diminish the value to Insurdata of its proprietary interests, if HealthAxis breaches any of its obligations under the Transition Agreement, Insurdata shall be entitled to seek equitable relief to protect its interests, including, but not limited to, injunctive relief, as well as money damages. The rights and remedies of Insurdata are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. Limitation of Liability: Insurdata shall not be liable under the Transition Agreement for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages (including lost profits) sustained or incurred in connection with this agreement regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise and whether or not such damages are foreseeable or unforeseeable. In addition, neither Insurdata nor HealthAxis shall be liable for exemplary or punitive damages in connection with the Transition Agreement. Accordingly, each party will agree to assume the risk of insuring against or otherwise bearing the risk of greater damages.

Related to use of information

  • Your Information means any information relating to you, your use of the EB Services, your Electronic Instructions, your Transactions and your Accounts, including any Personal Data you provide to us.3.3 ERP Linked Services.(a) The ERP Linked Services allow you to obtain information relating to your Accounts, provide Electronic Instructions to us via the ERP Platform and use such other features, facilities or functionalities as we shall make available from time to time.(b) You irrevocably and unconditionally authorise any User to sign up and activate the ERP Linked Services.3.4 Disclosure of Your Information. In addition to Clause 8.2 of Part A of these EB Services Terms and Conditions and Clause 2.1 of this Section, you acknowledge and agree that we and our officers, employees and agents are authorised to provide or disclose Your Information to any ERP Provider and/or its affiliates. You agree and acknowledge that we shall have no responsibility or liability or control over any ERP Provider’s disclosure, use or handling of Your Information.3.5 Use of the ERP Linked Services.(a) To use the ERP Linked Services, you must be a subscriber of the ERP Platform or have a valid licence from the ERP Provider to use its ERP Platform. You agree that you are solely responsible for all costs associated with your subscription to or licence of the ERP Platform and any infrastructure (including without limitation any equipment, software, network or communication facilities) required to support your use of the ERP Platform. We shall have no responsibility or liability for any act or omission of any ERP Provider.(b) It is your responsibility to at all times (i) comply with all guides, instructions and recommendations we provide to you from time to time in relation to the use of the ERP Linked Services; and (ii) assess the security arrangements relating to your access to and use of the ERP Linked Services to ensure that they are adequate to protect your interests.(c) You shall ensure that all Data and/or Electronic Instructions transmitted to us for or in connection with the ERP Linked Services is true, accurate and complete and you shall immediately inform us in writing of any errors, discrepancies or omissions. You must check all Data received by you on the ERP Platform in connection with the ERP Linked Services. If any such Data is incorrect or omit anything it should include, you should inform us in writing immediately.(d) You acknowledge that processing of any Electronic Instructions received via the ERP Linked Services is subject to successful receipt of such Electronic Instruction by us from the ERP Provider. We shall have no responsibility or liability where you submit any Electronic Instruction through the ERP Platform but such Electronic Instruction is not successfully received by us.(e) Receipt by us of any Electronic Instruction issued or purporting to be issued by you in connection with the ERP Linked Services will constitute full and unconditional authority to us to carry out or act upon that Electronic Instruction, and we shall not be bound to investigate or enquire as to the authenticity of any such Electronic Instruction unless we have received prior written notification from you which casts doubt on its validity.

  • Appendix Information means the information which must be provided for the selected modules as set out in the Appendix of the Approved EU SCCs (other than the Parties), and which for this Addendum is set out in:

  • Client Information means any data, information, software or other materials that you provide to Red Hat under the Agreement.

  • User Information means User Compliance Information and User Financial Information.

  • Customer Information means any information contained on a customer’s application or other form and all nonpublic personal information about a customer that a Party receives from the other Party. Customer Information shall include, but not be limited to, name, address, telephone number, social security number, health information, and personal financial information (which may include a Masterworks user account number).

  • Trade Secrets means any trade secrets, confidential business information, concepts, ideas, designs, research or development information, processes, procedures, techniques, technical information, specifications, operating and maintenance manuals, engineering drawings, methods, know-how, data, mask works, discoveries, inventions, modifications, extensions, improvements, and other proprietary rights (whether or not patentable or subject to copyright, trademark, or trade secret protection).

  • Confidential Information has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • State Confidential Information means any and all State Records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall include, but is not limited to, PII, PHI, PCI, Tax Information, CJI, and State personnel records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall not include information or data concerning individuals that is not deemed confidential but nevertheless belongs to the State, which has been communicated, furnished, or disclosed by the State to Contractor which (i) is subject to disclosure pursuant to CORA; (ii) is already known to Contractor without restrictions at the time of its disclosure to Contractor; (iii) is or subsequently becomes publicly available without breach of any obligation owed by Contractor to the State; (iv) is disclosed to Contractor, without confidentiality obligations, by a third party who has the right to disclose such information; or (v) was independently developed without reliance on any State Confidential Information.

  • Access Information means information that alone or together with other information, can provide access to any portion of Your Account, including but not limited to, Your Account number, login names, passwords, credit card or other financial information, security questions and their respective answers, and any other similar information. For the avoidance of doubt, Your Access Information will include any similar information for each of Your Users.

  • Information has the meaning specified in Section 10.07.

  • Request for Information (RFI means a written request by Contractor directed to A/E or ODR for a clarification of the information provided in the Contract Documents or for direction concerning information necessary to perform the Work that may be omitted from the Contract Documents.