Query means a message that represents a request to a Database for information.
Brand Content Policy means, collectively, Xxxxx’s content policy referenced in Exhibit A and any other policy, guidelines, terms of use, terms of service, code of conduct, or instructional materials provided or made available by Brand or any of its affiliates to Influencer from time to time.
CNAM Query means a Query that allows CLEC to query a Calling Name Database for Calling Name Information in order to deliver that information to CLEC’s local CNDS subscribers.
User Manual means the user guide, Help Guide, documentation provided with the Software, updated agreements provided on the website of Quick Heal (xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx), explanatory or other materials as provided from time to time by Quick Heal.
User Content means any comments, remarks, data, feedback, content, text, photographs, images, video, music, or other content or information that you or any Site Visitor or User post to any part of the Site or provide to Upwork, including such content or information that is posted as a result of questions.
Supported Web Browser means the current release from time to time of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Apple Safari, or any other web browser that the Provider agrees in writing shall be supported;
End User means, in the event that the Services or Deliverables involve the use of any information systems, any and all UNICEF employees, consultants and other personnel and any other external users collaborating with UNICEF, in each case, authorized by UNICEF to access and use the Services and/or Deliverables.
Open Wireless Network means any network or segment of a network that is not designated by the State of New Hampshire’s Department of Information Technology or delegate as a protected network (designed, tested, and approved, by means of the State, to transmit) will be considered an open network and not adequately secure for the transmission of unencrypted PI, PFI, PHI or confidential DHHS data.
Download means copying data from one computer system (for example a backend server) to another (for example a vehicle).
User ID means Identification characters used by the user for the purpose of login to the Website.
End User Data means any information or data of any kind that personally identifies (or that can be used, together with other information or data, to personally identify) an End User.
Privacy Shield means the European Union (EU) -U.S. and Switzerland – U.S. Privacy Shield frameworks.
data user means a natural or legal person who has lawful access to certain personal or non-personal data and is authorised to use that data for commercial or non-commercial purposes;
User Information means User Compliance Information and User Financial Information.
Advertising Materials means all advertising, merchandising, promotional and display materials of or concerning the Licensed Products.
Advertiser means a company that (i) advertises its brands, products, and/or services via the Advertisements; and/or (ii) interacts with Consumers on its Digital Properties or through its Ads in relation to its brands, products, and/or services.
Network User means a customer or a potential customer of a transmission system operator, and transmission system operators themselves in so far as it is necessary for them to carry out their functions in relation to transmission;
Customer Usage Data means the Telecommunications Services usage data of a CLEC End User measured in minutes, sub-minute increments, message units, or otherwise, that is recorded by SBC-13STATE and forwarded to CLEC.
Category 4 Data is data that is confidential and requires special handling due to statutes or regulations that require especially strict protection of the data and from which especially serious consequences may arise in the event of any compromise of such data. Data classified as Category 4 includes but is not limited to data protected by: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Pub. L. 104-191 as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH), 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164; the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99; Internal Revenue Service Publication 1075 (xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/pub/irs-pdf/p1075.pdf); Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration regulations on Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 CFR Part 2; and/or Criminal Justice Information Services, 28 CFR Part 20.
Customer User means an employee of Customer, a Customer Affiliate or Business Partner.
Imported content means that portion of the bidding price represented by the cost of components, parts or materials which have been or are still to be imported (whether by the supplier or his subcontractors) and which costs are inclusive of the costs abroad, plus freight and other direct importation costs such as landing costs, dock dues, import duty, sales duty or other similar tax or duty at the South African place of entry as well as transportation and handling charges to the factory in the Republic where the supplies covered by the bid will be manufactured.
End User Customer means a third party retail Customer that subscribes to a Telecommunications Service provided by either of the Parties or by another Carrier or by two (2) or more Carriers.
Marking means a symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the movement area in order to convey aeronautical information;
Directory Assistance Database shall have the meaning set forth in Section "Directory Assistance Lists" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
Token means the essential element of a prepayment metering system used to transfer information from a point of sale for electricity credit to a prepayment meter and vice versa;
SAP Training Catalogue means the catalogue published by SAP containing details of SAP training courses and services.