UT Code definition

UT Code means the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds issued by the SFC, as amended from time to time and supplemented by published guidelines or other guidance issued by the SFC.

Examples of UT Code in a sentence

  • The following table defines the UT Code values provided in the Additional Message Info segment (526-FQ).

  • In addition to other requirements applicable to funds under Chapter 7 of the UT Code, a feeder fund should comply with the requirements under 7.12 of the UT Code.

  • Reference should be made to 1.2 of the UT Code and the List of RJS for further details on the concept of RJS.

  • The UT Code accepts that some schemes already comply with certain provisions of the UT Code by virtue of prior authorization in a regulated jurisdiction.

  • Schemes that are established outside of Hong Kong are normally expected to comply with the applicable provisions of the Handbook, the UT Code and the Published Guidance in order to be authorized in Hong Kong by the SFC for offering to the public in Hong Kong.

  • RJS will generally be reviewed on the basis that the scheme’s structural and operational requirements, and core investment restrictions, already comply in substance with the UT Code.

  • Each counterparty or its guarantors would be a substantial financial institution (as defined in the UT Code).

  • For an unlisted index fund / passive ETF where the underlying index / benchmark is not tracked by any SFC-authorized unlisted index fund / passive ETF, the applicant should submit supporting information to demonstrate that the relevant index / benchmark fulfils the acceptability criteria under 8.6(e) of the UT Code.

  • A MMF should fully comply with the requirements under 8.2 of the UT Code.

  • A UCITS short-term MMF which has complied with the Europe Money Market Funds Regulation18 is deemed to have substantially complied with the investment restrictions under 8.2 of the UT Code.

More Definitions of UT Code

UT Code means the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds of the SFC Handbook for Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds, Investment-Linked Assurance Schemes and Unlisted Structured Investment Products issued by the SFC, as may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.
UT Code means the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds administered by the SFC as set out in Section II of the SFC Products Handbook.
UT Code means the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds administered by the Commission as set out in Section II of the Handbook.

Related to UT Code

  • Grid Code / “IEGC” or “State Grid Code” shall mean the Grid Code specified by the Central Commission under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of Section 79 of the Electricity Act and/or the State Grid Code as specified by the concerned State Commission referred under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of Section 86 of the Electricity Act, as applicable;

  • Access Code means the Railways (Access) Code 2000;

  • Network Code means the document now known as the Network Code and formerly known as the Railtrack Track Access Conditions 1995;

  • Data Protection Act means Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information.

  • Toll Center Code means the three digit access tandem code (“ATC”) that uniquely identifies a tandem switch in the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) designated as providing access to operator services functions.

  • SIC code as used in this chapter means the Standard Industrial Classification Code contained in the latest edition of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the Federal Office of Management and Budget;

  • Data Protection Law means the applicable legislation protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of persons and their right to privacy with regard to the processing of Personal Data under the Agreement (and includes, as far as it concerns the relationship between the parties regarding the processing of Personal Data by SAP on behalf of Customer, the GDPR as a minimum standard, irrespective of whether the Personal Data is subject to GDPR or not).

  • telephone short code means a short telephone number used for the purposes of submitting a vote by text message;

  • Erasmus Code A unique identifier that every higher education institution that has been awarded with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education receives. It is only applicable to higher education institutions located in Programme Countries. 5 Country code: ISO 3166-2 country codes available at: xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/obp/ui/#search. 6 Any Programme Country enterprise or, more generally, any public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training and youth (training of staff members from Programme Country HEIs in Partner Country non-academic partners is not eligible).

  • Privacy Act means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

  • Metering Code means the Metering Code prepared by the Board andapproved by the Commission, as from time to time revised, amended, supplemented or replaced with the approval of, or at the instance of, the Commission;