Valid excuse definition
Valid excuse or “excused absence” means an absence resulting from:
Valid excuse means written permission signed by a parent or guardian and approved by the Principal or designee.
Valid excuse means an excuse for an absence from school consistent with Subsection 53G-6-201(9).
Examples of Valid excuse in a sentence
Do not remove the student from school early without providing the school a Valid excuse.
Valid excuse shall be death or serious illness of attendee or immediate family member.
More Definitions of Valid excuse
Valid excuse means the same as that term is defined in Section 53G-6-201.
Valid excuse means the same as that term defined in Subsection 53G-6-201(10).
Valid excuse means an excuse for an absence from school consistent with Section 53A-11- 101(9).
Valid excuse means the same as that term is defined in Subsection 53G-6-201(9).
Valid excuse means an excuse which is approved in the regulations of the district board of education of the school district in which the pupil is or should be enrolled pursuant to the provisions of this title, or in the case of a pupil enrolled in a charter school, by the board of directors of the charter school.
Valid excuse means: 4343 (a) an illness; 4344 (b) a family death; 4345 (c) an approved school activity; 4346 (d) an absence permitted by a school-age minor's: 4347 (i) individualized education program, developed pursuant to the Individuals with 4348 Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, as amended; or 4349 (ii) accommodation plan, developed pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 4350 of 1973, as amended; or 4351 (e) any other excuse established as valid by a local school board, local charter board, or 4352 school district. 4353 Section 132. Section 53G-6-202, which is renumbered from Section 53A-11-101.5 is 4354 renumbered and amended to read: 4355 [53A-11-101.5]. 53G-6-202. Compulsory education. 4356 (1) For purposes of this section: 4357 (a) "Intentionally" is as defined in Section 76-2-103. 4358 (b) "Recklessly" is as defined in Section 76-2-103. 4359 (c) "Remainder of the school year" means the portion of the school year beginning on 4360 the day after the day on which the notice of compulsory education violation described in 4361 Subsection (3) is served and ending on the last day of the school year. 4362 (d) "School-age child" means a school-age minor under the age of 14. 4363 (2) Except as provided in Section [53A-11-102] 53G-6-204 or [53A-11-102.5] 4364 53G-6-702, the parent of a school-age minor shall enroll and send the school-age minor to a 4365 public or regularly established private school. 4366 (3) A school administrator, a designee of a school administrator, a law enforcement 4367 officer acting as a school resource officer, or a truancy specialist may issue a notice of 4368 compulsory education violation to a parent of a school-age child if the school-age child is 4369 absent without a valid excuse at least five times during the school year.