Examples of Value for Money Assessment in a sentence
Where a Statement of Intent and or Value for Money Assessment identifies that Network Operations Equipment may be affected, a copy of the Statement of Intent and or Value for Money Assessment shall be issued simultaneously to the appropriate Network Operations Service Provider and the Director.
The Operating Company shall prepare a Statement of Intent and Value for Money Assessment for all potential Schemes, interventions and alterations to maintenance Operations as identified in the Landscape Development Plan, following discussions with the Director.
Value for Money Assessment for Public-Private Partnerships: A Primer.
It should be stressed that at this stage, tie has not carried out a Value for Money Assessment of the alternative funding options.
See Infrastructure Ontario, Value for Money Assessment: Durham Consolidated Courthouse, online: Infrastructure Ontario <http://www.infrastructureontario.ca/What-We-Do/Projects/Project-Profiles/Durham- Region-Courthouse/> at 11-12, 14-15.
For example:- In relation to Value for Money, for non-transport related projects it is recognised that a detailed Value for Money Assessment may not be available for all projects at this stage.
Leasing of Medical Equipment Project in Kenya: Value for Money Assessment.
The Value for Money Assessment and Project Report is a concise and informative project summary of the procurement process for the general public showing how value for money is achieved.
The DfT Advice Note on Value for Money Assessment for Local Transport Decision Makers (December 2013) suggests a flexible approach to economic appraisal to ensure time and resources spent on the development of a business case are proportionate to the size of the investment.
The environmental impact of a good or service is also a major consideration in the Value for Money Assessment.