Examples of Variance Percentage in a sentence
If you fail to meet this profile, we will levy an Adjustment if you exceed the Royal Mail Zonal Posting Profile in the Zones where the Weighted Average Price Variance Percentage exceeds 0.
If you fail to meet this profile, we will surcharge you if you exceed the Royal Mail Zonal Posting Profile in the Zones where the Weighted Average Price Variance Percentage exceeds 0.
Reports such as the Budget versus Actual Net Income Adjusted for Depreciation Report, Budget Variance Percentage, Trend Analysis for cost of labor and cost of sales by cost center, and Cost Center Analysis Reports are useful supplemental tools to aid in the financial analysis review.
Schedule Variance Percentage (SV percentage)—Scheduled variance divided by the planned budget for the completed work (CV divided by BCWS).
The Total Variance Percentage also met the expected criteria (Büyüköztürk, 2008).
The specific value and the explained variance percentage by each factor have been presented in the following table.Table 4: Specific Value and Explained Variance Percentage by Each Factor FactorsRotation Sums of Squared LoadingThe specific value represents the contribution of each factor from the total variance of the variables, and the larger its value is; it indicates the greater importance of that factor.
OSMRE—Civil Penalties Margin of Variance Results OSMRE—Civil Penalties Margin of Variance:Variance Percentage Threshold: 3% Variance Floor Threshold: N/AAbbreviation Key:DNP: Did Not Participate DNR: Did Not Report N/A: Not ApplicableTABLE C-11: OSMRE—Civil Penalties Results In-Scope CompanyTotal Reported by Government EntityTotal Reported by CompanyVariance Amount ($)Variance Percentage (%)Alpha Natural Resources, Inc.
Moreover, when reviewing the Eigenvalues and Total Variance Percentage values, it is observed that all values exceeded 50%, indicating satisfactory variance explained.
In the Gaussian setting, E[ x y 2] is of order d, so this choice of scaling ensures a fair comparison across problem dimensions by fixing the relative magnitudes of the cost and regularization terms.⇠We evaluate performance on this task using the Bures-Wasserstein Unexplained Variance Percentage [4], BW-UV(⇡ˆ, ⇡Z), where ⇡Z is the closed form solution given by Janati et al.
Channel 223A can be allotted to Poultney, Vermont, in compliance with the Commission’s minimum distance separation requirements at center city reference coordinates, without site restriction.The coordinates for Channel 223A at Poultney, Vermont, are 43–31–06 North Latitude and 73–14–06 West Longitude.