Examples of Vehicle Miles Traveled in a sentence
If the Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction is known enter in the box to the right.Note: A manual entry of the VMTR will override the calculated cell.Step 3: MOVES 2014a Emission Factors for Unrestricted PM:Note: Use 35 MPH as a default if average speed is not known.
The investments in rail that are being made will not only improve rail efficiency and performance and reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled and pollutant emissions, but will bring much needed intercity and commuter services, connecting the San Joaquin Valley with Sacramento and the Bay Area, and the station enhancements will have a strong potential for acting as a catalyst for urban revitalization.
It is expected that the projects will help increase the Vehicle Miles Traveled while reducing congestion and delay as the population and demand in District 10 grows over the next 10 years.
Number of Vehicle Miles Traveled reduced (VMT): Click here to enter text.
The Estimated Vehicle Miles Traveled in the 2015 validated base year is calibrated to within 3 percent of the estimate in the 2015 Highway Performance Monitoring System report for Stanislaus County.