Examples of Venture firm in a sentence
All notices/correspondences with respect to the contract would be sent only to this authorized member of the JV firm.No member of the Joint Venture firm shall have the right to assign or transfer the interest right or liability in the contract without the written consent of the other members and that of the employer in respect of the said tender/contract.
Joint Venture members shall authorize one of the members on be-half of the Joint Venture firm to deal with the tender, sign the agreement or enter into con-tract in respect of the said tender, to receive payment, to witness joint measurement of work done, to sign measurement books and similar such action in respect of the said ten-der/contract.
No member of the Joint Venture firm shall have the right to assign or transfer the interest right or liability in the contract without the written consent of the other members and that of the employer in respect of the said tender/contract.
Joint Venture members shall authorize one of the members on behalf of the Joint Venture firm to deal with the tender, sign the agreement or enter into contract in respect of the said tender, to receive payment, to witness joint measurement of work done, to sign measurement books and similar such action in respect of the said tender/contract.
Joint Venture members shall authorize one of the members on be-half of the Joint Venture firm to deal with the tender, sign the agreement or enter into con- tract in respect of the said tender, to receive payment, to witness joint measurement of work done, to sign measurement books and similar such action in respect of the said ten- der/contract.
Joint Venture members shall authorize one of the members on be- half of the Joint Venture firm to deal with the tender, sign the agreement or enter into con-tract in respect of the said tender, to receive payment, to witness joint measurement of work done, to sign measurement books and similar such action in respect of the said ten-der/contract.
Joint Venture members shall authorize one of the members on be- half of the Joint Venture firm to deal with the tender, sign the agreement or enter into con- tract in respect of the said tender, to receive payment, to witness joint measurement of work done, to sign measurement books and similar such action in respect of the said ten- der/contract.
The calculation of Volume of Previous Work for a prime Vendor previously awarded a contract as a member of a Joint Venture firm is based on the actual equity ownership of the Joint Venture firm.
Note: If the Engineering Firm is a Joint Venture firm, then documentation of its incorporation may be requested.
All notices/correspondences with respect to the contract would be sent only to this authorized member of the JV firm.No member of the Joint Venture firm shall have the right to assign or transfer the interest right or liability in the contract without the written consent of the other members and that of the employer in respect of the said tender/contract.n. Documents to be enclosed by the JV firm along with the tender:i.