Verbal order definition

Verbal order means an oral directive that is given through any method of communication including by radio or telephone, directly to an emergency medical services professional, to contemporaneously administer a dangerous drug, including a controlled substance, to individuals in need of emergency medical services outside the physical presence of the medical director or authorizing medical professional.
Verbal order means an order given orally; (commande verbale)
Verbal order means a directive that is orally communicated to a licensed pharmacist to accept a prescription order by a person who is authorized to communicate a prescription.

Examples of Verbal order in a sentence

  • Verbal order shall not be accepted by Contractor or Contractor's Distributor unless or until a confirming Purchase Order is issued.

  • Verbal order numbers must only be issued very exceptionally only in cases of emergency or urgent necessity and only by an officer designated by the Chief Executive.

  • Except to meet the emergent needs of a patient, no drug or device shall be dispensed or made available for patient administration prior to the issuance of a valid medication order and appropriate pharmacist review.a. Verbal order.

  • Verbal order (2) An order under subsection (1) may be made verbally, but must be confirmed in writing and delivered to the person affected within 48 hours.

  • Verbal order for a prescription medication may be given over the phone to the licensed school nurse followed by a written order.

More Definitions of Verbal order

Verbal order means an order spoken aloud by a prescriber in the presence of the person authorized to receive the order.
Verbal order means an oral directive that is given through any method of communication including by radio or telephone, directly to an emergency medical services professional, to contemporaneously administer a controlled substance to individuals in need of emergency medical services outside the physicalpresence of the medical director or authorizing medical professional.PART 1301—REGISTRATION OF MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AND DISPENSERS OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES■ 3. The authority citation for part 1301 is revised to read as follows:Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 822, 823, 824,831, 871(b), 875, 877, 886a, 951, 952, 956,957, 958, 965.■ 4. In § 1301.12, add paragraph (b)(5) to read as follows:§ 1301.12 Separate registrations for separate locations.* * * * *(b) * * *(5) A designated location that is identified to the Administration by a registered emergency medical services agency at least 30 days prior to first delivering controlled substances to that unregistered location.■ 5. In § 1301.13:■ a. Revise paragraph (d);■ b. Redesignate rows (e)(1)(v) through(x) as rows (e)(1)(vi) through (xi); and■ c. Add new row (e)(1)(v).The revision and addition read as follows:§ 1301.13 Application for registration; time for application; expiration date; registration for independent activities; application forms, fees, contents and signature; coincident activities.* * * * *(d) At the time a retail pharmacy, hospital/clinic, practitioner, emergency medical services agency or teaching institution is first registered, that business activity shall be assigned to one of twelve groups, which correspond to the months of the year. The expiration date of the registrations of all registrants within any group will be the last day of the month designated for that group. In assigning any of the above business activities to a group, the Administration may select a group the expiration date of which is not less than 28 months nor more than 39 months from the date such business activity was registered. After the initial registration period, the registration expires 36 months from the initial expiration date.(e) * * *(1) * * * substancesBusiness activity Controlled DEAApplication forms Application fee ($) Registration period (years) Coincident activities allowed * * * * * * *(v) Emergency Medical Services Agency.Schedules II–V ......................... New—224 .............................Renewal—224a ....................731 3 * * * * * * * * * * * *■ 6. Add § 1301.20 under undesignated heading ‘‘Registratio...
Verbal order means an order verbally given for a stated amount of a specified narcotic by a person to whom a pharmacist i s authorized by these Regulations to sel l a narcotic pursuant to a verbal or written order; ("commande verbale")
Verbal order means an order verbally given for a stated amount of a specified controlled drug by a person to whom a pharmacist i s authorized by thi s Part to sel l a controlled drug pursuant to a verbal or written order; ("commande verbale")
Verbal order means a physician order spoken to appropriate personnel and later put in writing for the purposes of documenting as well as establishing or revising the patient's plan of care.
Verbal order means a prescription verbally communicated by a prescriber who is in attendance at the patient point of care, or in an area reasonably close to that place.
Verbal order means an oral directive that is given through any method of communication including by radio or telephone, directly to an emergency medical services professional, to contemporaneously administer a controlled substance toindividuals in need of emergency medical services outside the physical presence of the medical director or authorizing medical professional.PART 1301—REGISTRATION OF MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AND DISPENSERS OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES