Final Approval Order definition

Final Approval Order means the order and final judgment approving the Settlement Agreement, implementing the terms of this Settlement Agreement, and dismissing the Class Action with prejudice, to be proposed by the Settling Parties for approval by the Court, in substantially the form attached as Exhibit 5 hereto.
Final Approval Order means the order and judgment that the Court enters upon Final Approval. In the event that the Court issues separate orders addressing the matters constituting Final Approval, then Final Approval Order includes all such orders.
Final Approval Order means the order of the Court finally approving this Settlement.

Examples of Final Approval Order in a sentence

  • The Parties further agree that they shall support motions for entry of the Preliminary Approval Order and Final Approval Order.

  • However, the Released Parties may file the Agreement and/or the Final Approval Order in any action or proceeding that may be brought against them in order to support a defense or counterclaim based on principles of res judicata, collateral estoppel, release, good faith settlement, judgment bar, reduction, or any other theory of claim preclusion or issue preclusion or similar defense or counterclaim.

  • If the Court does not enter the Final Approval Order in substantially the same form as the proposed Final Approval Order attached as Exhibit E, Defendant shall have no obligation under this Agreement other than to pay the Settlement Administrator for Administration Services already performed under any agreement between Defendant and the Settlement Administrator.

  • Not later than 16 court days before the Final Approval Hearing, Named Plaintiffs will file in Court and serve on Defendants a motion for approval of the Settlement that includes a Proposed Final Approval Order and a proposed Judgment, which shall specifically state and include a request for approval of the PAGA settlement under Labor Code § 2699, subd.

  • Upon the Effective Date, by operation of the entry of the Final Approval Order and accompanying Final Judgment, Plaintiffs and all Settlement Class Members shall be deemed to fully, forever, and irrevocably release, remise, and discharge the Released Parties from any and all Released Claims, and shall be enjoined from continuing, instituting, or prosecuting any legal proceeding against the Released Parties relating in any way to the Released Claims.

More Definitions of Final Approval Order

Final Approval Order means the order to be submitted to the Court in connection with the Final Approval Hearing, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B.
Final Approval Order means the Order and Judgment approving this Agreement issued by the Court at or after the Final Approval Hearing Date.
Final Approval Order means an order entered by the Court that:
Final Approval Order means order of any of the Judicial Authority (in original application to NCLT or in an appeal) approving the sale under Liquidation of the corporate debtor as a going concern to the Successful Bidder.
Final Approval Order means the final order entered by the Court following the Final Fairness and Approval Hearing. The “Final Judgment” means the final judgment entered by the Court following the Final Fairness and Approval Hearing.
Final Approval Order means the order granting final approval of the Settlement and entering judgment thereon and dismissing the Litigations and all Defendants with prejudice, in a form mutually agreed to by the Parties, and subject to approval by the Court.
Final Approval Order means the Court order finally certifying the Class for settlement purposes only and approving the settlement and this Agreement, as contemplated in this Agreement. “Final Approval” occurs on the date that the Court enters, without material change, the Final Approval Order.