Examples of Verified claim in a sentence
As a result, the final number of pairs to check went down to 1,694.The verdict is true/false if the Input sentence makes a claim whose veracity can be determined to be true/false based on the paired Verified claim and its veracity label; it is unknown otherwise.
In the next section, we describe the implementation of our proposal on our robot.
All policies of insurance shall be in a company or companies authorized by law to transact insurance business in the State and reasonably acceptable to Grantee.
The firstsorts the Input sentences in the transcript in a way, so thatHwhere relr (k) is 1 if the k-th ranked Input sentence is rele-vant and at least one relevant Verified claim was retrieved in the top-r Verified claim list.the Input sentences that can be verified using the databaseare on top.
The hypothesis here is that the further apart these scores are, the more confident we can be that the Input sentence can be verified by the top retrieved Verified claim (Yang, Zhang, and Lin 2019).