Conferencing Services In lieu of any other rates and discounts, the Customer will receive a discount equal to 30% for the following Conferencing Services: US Dial Out International Audio Conferencing. The current standard rates in the Guide (which includes both transport and bridging) for domestically bridged International Dial-Out Audio Conferencing, International Audio Conferencing (dial out from a US bridge).
Data Services The Customer will receive a discount equal to 25% for the following Data Services: Access: Standard VBS2 Guide local loop charges for DS-1 Access and DS-3 Access Service.
Information Services means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Electronic Municipal Market Access System; or, such other services providing information with respect to called municipal obligations as the District may specify in writing to the Paying Agent or as the Paying Agent may select.
Communication Services means aeronautical fixed and mobile services to enable ground-to-ground, air-to-ground and air-to-air communications for ATC purposes;
Canadian Audio Conferencing For Audio Conferencing Dial Out and Toll Free Meet-Me Access (1) originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating in Canada, and (2) originating in Canada and terminating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Internet Services means the Services provided to you by us using broadband technology to enable you to gain access to the Internet and certain other Services whether by a personal computer, television or other device;
Passenger Services means, those railway passenger services provided by or on behalf of the Beneficiary pursuant to the permission to use track granted in accordance with the Track Access Agreement;
Hosting Services means the provision, administration, and maintenance of servers and related equipment, the provision of bandwidth at the hosting facility, and the operation of the Application for access by Customer Users to be provided by the relevant hosting service provider.
Voice Services means the telecommunications services to be provided to you under Part A and as specified in your Application.
Customer Services means the call centre for dealing with queries about your Card. You can contact Customer Services by calling 01 693 3333, or contacting us directly.
Support Services means support in relation to the use of, and the identification and resolution of errors in, the Hosted Services, but shall not include the provision of training services;
Online Services means Microsoft-hosted services to which Customer subscribes under this Agreement. It does not include software and services provided under separate license terms.
Hosting or “Hosted” means the storing of software applications on a hosting provider’s servers, allowing customers to access a software solution or application through the internet.
Detailed telecommunications billing service means an ancillary service of separately stating information pertaining to individual calls on a customer's billing statement.
Pricing Services shall have the meaning set forth in Paragraph 7 of this Agreement.
Beta Services means Xxxxxx services or functionality that may be made available to Customer to try at its option at no additional charge which is clearly designated as beta, pilot, limited release, developer preview, non-production, evaluation, or by a similar description.
Community support services means services authorized,
Training Services means access to Red Hat training courses, including online courses or courses provided at a site as may be agreed by the parties.
Information Service Provider A provider of Information Service. Information Service Provider includes, but is not limited to, Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
Advertising Services means the advertising services selected on the front pages of this Agreement.
Telephone Toll Service is as defined in the Act.
Broadband Services means Verizon's Fios or DSL-based Internet services (whichever applies). Verizon's DSL-based Internet service is also known as "High Speed Internet" ("HSI").
Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an Enhanced Service Provider that provides Internet Services, and is defined in paragraph 341 of the FCC’s First Report and Order in CC Docket No. 97-158.
Child support services means any civil, criminal or administrative action taken by the Division of
Communications channel means a physical or virtual path of communications over which signals are transmitted between or among customer channel termination points.
Information Service is the offering of a capability for generating, acquiring, storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available information via Telecommunications, and includes electronic publishing, but does not include any use of any such capability for the management, control, or operation of a Telecommunications system or the management of a Telecommunications Service.