Viewshed definition

Viewshed. – means an area of land, water and other environmental elements that is visible from a fixed vantage point.
Viewshed means a portion of the landscape that can be seen from one or more observer positions. The extent of area that can be viewed is normally limited by landform, vegetation and distance.5
Viewshed means the three visual areas that can be seen from a specific stopping point on or near a roadway, comprised of the:

Examples of Viewshed in a sentence

  • Viewshed analysis and shadow studies that show the impact on neighboring properties with existing Solar Energy Systems.

  • As part of the review process, the applicant shall conduct a Viewshed analysis to include, at a minimum, a mapped Viewshed delineation; and a test balloon or crane extension moored at the site to indicate the visibility of the proposed towers and/or antennas.

  • In order to understand and limit the loss of views to the Niagara Escarpment, significant view locations and corridors have been identified on Appendix C – Downtown Hamilton – Viewshed Analysis.

  • Viewshed is not a public trust right traditionally acknowledged under North Carolina common law.

  • All development shall be designed and sited in a manner that maintains the visual character of the Viewshed District from points on the reservoir or its shoreline, particularly during the period between May 15 and October 31.

  • A Visual Impact Assessment may be required for development located on streets identified as View Corridors to the Niagara Escarpment, and properties identified as Locations Where There May Be Impacts to Views, as shown on Appendix C – Downtown Hamilton Secondary Plan – Viewshed Analysis.

  • Section 504 shall apply to all development within the Viewshed area taking place after the adoption of this amendment, including single family residences.

  • Table III: Description of Viewshed Variables DIS_TO_MILLSThe distance from the home to the nearest turbine as calculated by the GIS.VIEWThe view of the turbines as recorded from the field analysis with possible range from 0 to 60.

  • Visual Impact Assessments shall be required for development on properties identified as Locations Where There Are Impacts to Views as identified on Appendix C – Downtown Hamilton Secondary Plan – Viewshed Analysis.

  • Many user conflict cases brought by riparian owners adjacent to lease locations seem to be driven by a concern for impairment of view, also known as “viewshed.” Viewshed generally means the natural environment that can be seen from nearby riparian property.

More Definitions of Viewshed

Viewshed means the three visual areas that can be seen from a specific stopping point on or near a roadway, com- prised of the:
Viewshed means a predictive model of the area from which certain objects (e.g., transmission towers) may be visible, based on computer modeling techniques. In this context, a viewshed predicts the visibility of transmission infrastructure.
Viewshed. . means areas within the foreground and background as seen by the public from public vantage points, the shoreline and ocean.
Viewshed means the geographic area as viewed from a scenic resource, which includes the proposed activity. The viewshed may include the total visible activity area from a single observer position or the total visible activity area from multiple observers' positions. A map that shows the geographic area from which a proposed action may be seen is a viewshed.” Permitted Uses for RCD and C Districts Below is a chart of permitted uses. Uses not in the chart are not permitted in either district. AntennaS Auction facility, FarmS Farm marketS Feed lotX Golf or ski facilitySSOutdoor recreation or amusement park SStable, commercialS Vehicle sales and/or repair, heavy equipmentX Wireless telecommunication facilityS Industrial – As Principal UseExtractive use, soil mining X1Accessory to a Principal Use Listed in this TableAccessory use other than those listed in this tableP/S AntennaP/S Roadside standP Wind energy conversion systemSSStable, PrivatePPS=Permitted with site plan approval P=PermittedX= Permitted with site plan review and special permit by Town Board* Agricultural uses in a Certified Agricultural District shall be exempt from regulations as provided under Agricultural and Markets Law Section 305-aNote 1=As site preparation only, to make site suitable for future development Comprehensive Plan Recreation Addressed in the Big Flats Comprehensive Plan
Viewshed. . means areas within a public view (see LUP definition of “Public Scenic view or public views”) the
Viewshed means an area of land, or other environmental element that is visible to the human eye from a fixed vantage point.

Related to Viewshed

  • Center means the center for educational performance and information created in section 94a.

  • Point / “Pip” shall mean the numerical value of the last, or right-most, digit of a Quote.

  • Hazing means committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into committing an act, that creates a substantial risk of harm to a person, in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with a student organization, or for any other purpose. The term hazing includes, but is not limited to:

  • Spirits means any beverage which contains alcohol obtained by distillation mixed with drinkable water and other substances in solution, including, but not limited to, brandy, rum, whisky, and gin.

  • Hood means a respiratory inlet covering that completely covers the head and neck and may also cover portions of the shoulders and torso.