Examples of Violent offender in a sentence
Flagging of records, 2012 Flagging employed to indicate State Felony conviction flagging capability for criminal history record subjects Ineligible to purchase firearms Sex offender registrant Convicted drug offender Violent offender OtherTotal AlabamaYes, all subjects with felony convictions Table 7 explanatory notes:Data footnotes:a.
The influence of previous training was assessed by comparing officers who were tutors (Sex offender treatment, Anger management, Enhanced thinking skills, Violent offender treatment, Drug rehabilitation/treatment) with those who were not.
Our daughters are labeled on all prison documents as a Violent offender, they are not eligible for any early release programs based on good behavior and/or participating in programming.
Violent offender research and implications for the criminal justice system American Psychologist, 52, 414–423.
Sex and Violent offender registration requirements were noted, along with supervision requirements and VINE notification information.