Examples of Virginia employer in a sentence
Here is one example:Robert worked for a Virginia employer that manufactured foam insulation.
Virginia employer means any employing unit organized under the laws of Virginia or having income from Virginia sources regardless of its organizational structure, or any public or nonprofit organization authorized to operate in Virginia.
A Virginia employer is only required to pay an employee for the work performed.
No subdirectoriesDo not use file extension .TXTRecording CodeASCIIRecord LengthFixed 275 bytes followed by carriage return and line feed codes at the end of each record External LabelAttach an external label with the following:③ Employer Name③ WorkForce West Virginia employer account number③ Quarter(s) for which wages are being reported③ Contact person and telephone number CD-Rs will not be returned unless problems are encountered and the file cannot be processed.
Organization A’s CERT has trained personnel at the institutions that get services from Organization A.
The insurer survey consisted of questions including company information, aggregated insured information, safety practices and procedures and the safety opinion of West Virginia employer utilization of insurer services.
Staunton Correctional Center/Commonwealth of Virginia (employer) appeals a decision of the Workers’ Compensation Commission granting Gary L.
Criteria include the following: • Position duties must not be identical to those performed prior to retirement.• Whether you are retiring or separating, re-employment with VCU is not permitted until at least 26 weeks have elapsed since the last day of employment in a state faculty position.• If you retire, re-employment with any other Commonwealth of Virginia employer must be after a bona fide break in service has occurred.
Recommendation:DOLI should exercise its jurisdiction over all wage claims where the employer is a Virginia employer and the em- ployment contract was formed in Virginia, regardless of where the work was performed.
The determination of the certified question currently before this Court must be premised upon the context of the unique statutory and common law of this state.16The delivery truck involved in an accident in Ammons was licensed in West Virginia and leased by a West Virginia employer.