Examples of Vis Major in a sentence
If a situation constituting Vis major occurs, the deadlines imposed hereunder shall be extended by the period of the duration of the said Vis major event.
Vis major shall not be constituted by obstacles that arose only after the obliged Party was in default with fulfilment of its obligations, or which arose in connection with its economic situation.
In case of Vis major, the deadlines agreed herein shall be extended by the time such Vis major will be in force.
As the Organization’s management believes that the Organization will be in a position to allow for the repayment of the loan by above specified date; therefore, the loan’s forgivable portion of $20,000 was recognized as revenue in the 2020 year.
Should a situation occur, which a Contractual Party could reasonably consider to constitute Vis major, and which could affect fulfilment of its obligations hereunder, such Contractual Party shall immediately notify the other Contractual party and attempt to continue in its performance hereunder in a reasonable degree.
The Vis major concept was referred to as acts of God and was limited to events of natural causes.
Vis major events may include: natural disasters; wars; terrorist activities, activities of local exchange carriers, telephone carriers, wireless carriers and Internet service providers; labour disputes; and acts of government.
Vis major events shall be considered all unfo-reseeable, insurmountable events, the occurrence of which cannot be attri- buted to PR IN HUNGARY, being beyond the intention and/or process of PR IN HUNGARY (for example, war, riot, civil uprising, general strike, epidemic, pandemic, natural catastrophe, fire, flood, earthquake or otherinsurmountable external cause, state of emergency), that in a significant way obstructs or makes impossible the staging of the Workshop.
Permanent water supply may only be disturbed under conditions of Limited water supply (Article 6.3), Normal maintenance and repair (Article 7.2), Unexpected failures and leaks (Article 7.3), Emergency (Article 7.4), Urgent supply (Article 7.5), Droughts (Article 7.6), Deduction of water supply (Article 14.1), Vis major (Article 15), or if it is mutually agreed.
Vis major esetén az Eladó a Vevőnek való viszonteladás céljára nem köteles harmadik személytől anyagot vásárolni és Eladó nem felelős semmilyen költségemelkedésért, amit Vevőnek amiatt kellett állnia, hogy harmadik személytől vásárolt helyettesítő anyagot.