Examples of Volunteer Driver in a sentence
Any volunteer who undertakes this role would be asked to complete a Volunteer Driver Agreement Form as well as following all other safer recruitment procedures.
This has resulted in an increase in fair value for both securitized mortgage collateral and securitized mortgage borrowings.
An updated Volunteer Driver Form (available online and in the school offices) is required prior to the volunteer transporting students.
Student drivers are restricted to carrying ONE passenger anddriving within SD61, SD62 and SD63 only. Verify that Volunteer Driver forms are completed and on file in school office (with copy of vehicle registration/insurance and driver’s licence). Verify that a copy of the criminal record check and a driver’s abstract have been submitted to the principal. Verify that vehicle is adequately insured (min.
Additional RequirementsAll sport club drivers must complete and submit the Competitive Sports Volunteer Driver Form.A database of eligible drivers will be kept and maintained by the CRC Competitive Sports Office.
Compared to earlier times, appropriate well spacing reduces the number of wells, with corresponding reductions impact in areas such as surface usage, drilling water usage, and traffic.
There being only one nomination received it was RESOLVED – that Councillor Ms P Dunn be re-appointed as the Town Council’s representative on the Earley Volunteer Driver Bureau.
Transportation for preschool children for field trips or other off-site activities will be provided by parent volunteers who have completed the Volunteer Driver form or by school van or church bus.
Parents who provide private vehicle transportation to school sponsored trips or events must complete Diocesan Volunteer Driver Information (form 1180 A) prior to the trip.
A new Field Trip Volunteer Driver Application Form must be filled out each school year.