Examples of Water column in a sentence
Water column samples were taken to determine the ambient concentration of mercury in the water column using Method 1631, an ultra-trace level clean sampling and analytical technique with a detection limit of 0.5 ng/l.
Water column measurements related to water clarity, such as light transmittance, are also conducted.
Water column denitrification ranged from 3 to 277 Tg N/y across our simulations but nearly shut down at r O2: C 0.7 or rose to very high levels at r O2: C 1.3. Indirectly, through the loss of fixed N, an increase in r O2: C of 0.1 lowered net primary productivity and export production slightly by an average 0.86 (1.59%) and 0.13 (1.56%) Pg C/y, respectively (Fig.
Some medical homes, particularly in urban centres, may involve a number of health care providers, whereas rural and remote communities may have only one family physician and one nurse.
Hw = 200' total depth - 100' depth to water = 100' Water column pressure is 100' x 0.43 psi/ft = 43 psiPressure in atmospheres (atms) is 43 psi / 14.7 psi/atm = 2.93 atms Maximum dissolved methane at 100' is 28 mg/L + (28 mg/L/atm x 2.93 atms) = 110 mg/L c.