Water Fund definition

Water Fund means the collection of funds and accounts used by the City to hold the Gross Revenues and the proceeds of Bonds.
Water Fund means the fund or funds established and held by the City with respect to the Water System for the receipt and deposit of Gross Revenues.
Water Fund means the existing Water Fund of the City, into which all Revenues are directed to be deposited as provided in Section 18 hereof.

Examples of Water Fund in a sentence

  • The Village had the following significant Enterprise Funds: Water Fund - This fund receives charges for services from residents to cover the cost of providing this utility.

  • The Village had the following significant Enterprise Funds: Water Fund - This fund receives charges for services from residents to cover water service costs.

  • After the Department has repaid the California Water Fund in full and after each series of Water System Revenue Bonds is repaid, the Department will reduce the charges to all contractors in an equitable manner in a total amount that equals the amount of the charges under Article 50(b)(1) that the Department determines is not needed for future financing of facilities of the System which, in whole or in part, will serve the purposes of the water supply contract with the Agency.

  • The City’s major enterprise funds are: Water Fund – This fund is used to account for the operation of the City’s water service.

  • The Village had the following significant Enterprise Funds: Water Fund – This fund receives charges for services from residents to cover the cost of providing this utility.

More Definitions of Water Fund

Water Fund means the fund or funds established and held by the District with respect to the Water Enterprise for the deposit of Gross Revenues from the Water Enterprise.APPENDIX B
Water Fund means the Water Fund of the District which accounts for the financial activities of the Water Enterprise.
Water Fund means the fund by that name established and held by the City pursuant to Section 4.5 of the Installment Sale Agreement.
Water Fund means the existing fund by that name established and held by the City with respect to the Water System.
Water Fund means the District’s existing Water Fund established and held by the District with respect to the Water Enterprise.
Water Fund means the enterprise fund of the City designated as the “Water Fund,” reaffirmed by the provisions hereof.
Water Fund means the fund or funds established and held by the City with respect to the Water System.