Waters with unavailable parameters means any segment of surface waters that has been identified by the TDEC as failing to support one or more classified uses. Unavailable parameters exist where water quality is at, or fails to meet, the levels specified in water quality criteria in Rule 0400-40-03-.03, even if caused by natural conditions. In the case of a criterion that is a single response variable or is derived from measurement of multiple response variables, the unavailable parameters shall be the agents causing water quality to be at or failing to meet the levels specified in criteria. Resources to be used in making this determination include biennial compilations of impaired waters, databases of assessment information, updated GIS coverages (https://tdeconline.tn.gov/dwr/), and the results of recent field surveys. GIS coverages of the streams and lakes not meeting water quality standards, plus the biennial list of waters with unavailable parameters, can be found at https://www.tn.gov/environment/program-areas/wr-water-resources/water-quality/water- quality-reports---publications.html.
Waters with unavailable parameters means any segment of surface waters that has been identified by the division as failing to support one or more classified uses. For the purpose of this permit, pollutants of concern include, but are not limited to: siltation (silt/sediment) and habitat alterations due to in-channel erosion. Based on the most recent assessment information available to staff, the division will notify applicants and permittees if their discharge is into, or is affecting, waters with unavailable parameters. Resources to be used in making this determination include biennial compilations of impaired waters, databases of assessment information, updated GIS coverages (http://tdeconline.tn.gov/dwrwqa/), and the results of recent field surveys. GIS coverages of the streams and lakes not meeting water quality standards, plus the biennial list of waters with unavailable parameters, can be found at http://tn.gov/environment/article/wr-wq- water-quality-reports-publications.
Waters with unavailable parameters means any segment of surface waters that has been identified by the Division as failing to support one or more classified uses. Unavailable parameters exist where water quality is at, or fails to meet, the levels specified in water quality criteria in Rule 0400-40-03-.03, even if caused by natural conditions. In the case of a criterion that is a single response variable or is derived from measurement of multiple response variables, the unavailable parameters shall be the agents causing water quality to be at or failing to meet the levels specified in criteria. Resources to be used in making this determination include biennial compilations of impaired waters, databases of assessment information, updated GIS coverages, and the results of recent field surveys.