Examples of Watershed programs in a sentence
The changes included updating Senate and Assembly committee names, federal agency acronyms, descriptions for the DNR Bureau of Watershed Management and the UWEX Priority Watershed programs and correcting the estimated number of private wells reported in the Nitrate section.
The Chesapeake Bay and the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed programs are being implemented in different spatial scales.
Stayter specific to preparing artist rendering of the proposed boardwalk to be included with associated DEC permits.• To complete depth sounding (measurement) of Goodyear Lake Stump Lot, 7/15 and 7/16, to assist DEC permitting process for boardwalk/dock project.• We have begun raising money for Otsego Lake/Upper Susquehanna Watershed programs for 2012 and, hopefully, beyond.
The Coalition will serve as a clearinghouse for information on the Watershed programs and assist its Members with guidance on the programs’ implementation.
Failure of these products puts LASAN’s Cleanwater, Industrial Waste Management, and Watershed programs at risk and subject to potential fines and legal liability.
The NPDES, Coastal Counties, Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HWQ) and Water Supply Watershed programs are based upon removing a certain level of Total Suspended Solids (TSS).
Watershed programs faced paradigm shift towards involv- ing local village communities or institutions for implementing the projects.
Watershed programs include the following components: Inventories, quantification, characterization, and mapping of socio-economic factors and activities within the watershed (with surveys).
Re sponsible for Soil and W ater association and Watershed programs of loans and advances, including delegated responsi bility for loans to cooperative associa tions under section 303 of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, and servicing of similar type loans made by Farmers Home Administration and predecessor agencies.
Watershed programs involve activities which are able to cater to the specific needs of local people and certainly attract higher participation.