Well house definition
Examples of Well house in a sentence
Well house #4 is located northeast of the Wisconsin Central railroad tracks in a concrete masonry well house.
Mr. Dagostino added that the Water Division sustained some damage to the Dividend Brook Well house and pump house during the last storm.
Spayer then stated that he will be getting quotes for the purchase of back-up generators for the Well house and towers.
Well house construction will begin late this year or early next year following approval from IEPA.
Well house #3 is composed of two separate buildings, a Deep Well (Building #1) and a Clear Well (Building #2).
Well house pump stations are now undergoing interior painting and where applicable, exterior painting.
Explanation Inanemergency, everysecondcounts.Doesyourstaff really know what to do inan urgentsituation?Educateand trainemployeesabout what to do in theevent ofanemergencyand where to findemergencyessentials in the office.Distribute credit card-sizedemergency responsechecklists toemployees(what to do,keycontacts,phone numbers, etc.).
Radio Modem, General Electric, MDS SD4 Geovanetti Well #8 Pump VFD Submersible Pump Manganese Treatment Plant Electrical/Control Box Well House Submersible Pump Well to pipeline back flow preventer CalWater to pipeline back flow preventer Well house Submersible pump Pressure system house Booster pump Well pump controls Hydropneumatic tank ~156 metered service connections ~20 Fire Hydrants ~3.8 miles of pipe, mostly 6” AC, with some 6”, 4”, 2” PVC This is described as the rear 25 ft of lot 13.
Applications for student membership shall be made on a form provided by the Society.
Separate structures are not included in the 1,200 square feet total living space allowed, but shall conform to the following maximum sizes:41.23 – Exhibit 01--Continued Toilet Structure: 80 square feet Well house 30 square feet Storage shed 120 square feet Construction or reconstruction of guesthouses and garages with/without sleeping facilities will not be authorized under any circumstances.