Examples of Where the words in a sentence
Where the words “shall” or “must” are used, it signifies an absolute minimum function or capacity that, if not satisfied, may result in disqualification.
Where the words “should”, “may”, or “is desirable” are used, it signifies desirable, but not mandatory functions or capacities.
Where the words “he”, “him”, “his”, occur in the regulations, they include “she”, “her”, “hers”.
Where the words “Subject” or “Subjects”, occur in these regulations, they also imply “Course” or “Courses”.
Where the words “must”, “shall” or “will” appear in this RFP, the clause is to be considered as a mandatory requirement.
Where the words “he”, “him”, “his”, occur in the write-up of regulations, they include “she”, “her”, “hers”.
Where the words include(s), including or in particular are used in these terms and conditions, they are deemed to have the words without limitation following them and where the context permits, the words other and otherwise are illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words preceding them.
Where the words "equal," "equivalent," "satisfactory," "directed," "designated," "selected," "as required," and words of similar meaning are used, the written approval, selection, satisfaction, direction, or similar action of the District is required.
Where the words "acceptable," "acceptance," or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the acceptance of the District is intended.
Where the words ‘include(s)’, ‘including’ or ‘in particular’ are used in this agreement, they are deemed to have the words ‘without limitation’ following them.