White Good definition
Examples of White Good in a sentence
In the event a White Good item contains refrigerant or Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the Contractor shall collect the item separately, in a non-compacting vehicle, and deliver the item, with every attempt not to release the CFC’s into the atmosphere, to a scrap dealer or recycler that is registered with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to properly recycle White Goods.
Special Collections shall be scheduled and performed no later than the second working day (including Saturdays) following a request for such pickup or observation of a Bulk Waste or White Good item by the Contractor’s personnel.
In the event a White Good item contains refrigerant or Chloroflorocarbons (CFCs), the Contractor shall collect the item separately, in a non-compacting vehicle, and deliver the item, with every attempt not to release the CFC’s into the atmosphere, to a scrap dealer or recycler that is registered with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to properly recycle White Goods.
Special Collections shall be scheduled and performed no later than the second (2nd) working day following a request for such pickup or observation of a White Good item by the District 's personnel.
Franchisee shall collect white goods, as defined in Section 22.28 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/22.28) ("White Goods") from a Customer upon the Customer contacting Franchisee to schedule a pickup of the White Good.
Elmo Collins: All right thank you.Duncan White: Good morning everybody.
All discarded refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, air conditions, humidifiers, and other similar domestic and commercial large appliances that have had the White Good Components removed.
White Goods pick-up at Street-side shall be included in the services offered by the Contractor, at a cost per White Good as listed in Exhibit A.
Service Recipients are limited to one (1) Bulky Waste or White Good item per week, and the collection of such item must be scheduled at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to Thursday each week.
White Good - Any item not measuring in excess of either three (3) cubic feet in size or fifty (50) pounds in weight that is manufactured primarily from metal, including, but not limited to, a bath tub, heater, hot water heater, refrigerator, sink, washer, or dryer.