Mobile Device means a computing device, typically smaller than a notebook, which runs a mobile operating system, such as iOS, Android, or Windows Phone. Mobile Devices include smart phones, most tablets, and other form factors.
Mobile Devices means tablets and smartphones running mobile operating systems (e.g., iOS, Blackberry OS, Android, or Windows Mobile operating systems). Laptops are not considered to be Mobile Devices.
Capture device means a hood, enclosed room, floor sweep, or other means of collecting solvent emissions or other pollutants into a duct. The pollutant can be directed to a pollution control device such as an incinerator or carbon adsorber.
Network Interface Device or "NID" is a Network Element (including all of its features, functions and capabilities) that includes any means of Interconnection of End User Customer premises wiring to Qwest's distribution plant, such as a cross connect device used for that purpose. "New Service Provider" means the Party to which an End User Customer switches its local Exchange Service or the Party to which an End User Customer is porting its telephone number(s).
Marking device means any approved device for marking a ballot with ink or other substance which will enable the ballot to be tabulated by means of automatic tabulating equipment.
Application Software means Software formulated to perform specific business or technical functions and interface with the business or technical users of the System and is identified as such in Appendix4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Application Software.
Spot-film device means a device intended to transport or position a radiographic image receptor between the X-ray source and fluoroscopic image receptor. It includes a device intended to hold a cassette over the input end of an image intensifier for the purpose of making a radiograph.
Server Software means software that provides services or functionality on a computer acting as a server.
Compatibility means compatibility as defined in point (10) of Article 2 of Directive (EU) 2019/770;
Customer Materials any materials, data, information, software, equipment or other resources owned by or licensed to You and made available to Us pursuant to facilitating Your use of the Services, including Customer Data.
Tracking device means equipment that records the location, whether directly or indirectly, of Employees, whether by the use of equipment that uses Global Positioning System (GPS) or by another like means.
Supplier Software means software which is proprietary to the Supplier or its Affiliates which is used or supplied by the Supplier in the provision of the Services; Supplier Staff means all persons employed or engaged by the Supplier together with the Supplier's servants, agents, suppliers, consultants and Sub-Contractors (and all persons employed by any Sub-Contractor together with the Sub-Contractor’s servants, consultants, agents, suppliers and Sub-Contractors) used in the performance of its obligations under this Contract; Time and Materials means the pricing mechanism for the Services as may be agreed by the Parties and set out at paragraph Error: Reference source not found in the SOW; TUPE means the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/246) as amended or replaced or any other regulations or UK legislation implementing the Acquired Rights Directive; Velocity means the Metric which measures the total number of Story Points for Stories that have been accepted in a Sprint, indicating the rate of progress towards Acceptance of all Stories from the Product Backlog;
Supplier Materials has the meaning given in clause 8.1(h).
Assistive device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system which is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of an individual with a disability in the workplace or on the job. “Assistive device” does not mean any medical device, surgical device, or organ implanted or transplanted into or attached directly to an individual. “Assistive device” does not include any device for which a certificate of title is issued by the state department of transportation, but does include any item, piece of equipment, or product system otherwise meeting the definition of “assistive device” that is incorporated, attached, or included as a modification in or to such a device issued a certificate of title. “Business entity” means partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, estate, or trust, where
Customer Software means software which is owned by or licensed to the Customer, including Specially Written Software and Assigned Software and software which is or will be used by the Supplier for the purposes of providing the Services but excluding the Supplier Software;
Thermostat means a temperature control device that contains metallic mercury in an ampule attached to a bimetal sensing element, and mercury-containing ampules that have been removed from these temperature control devices in compliance with the requirements of § 273.13(c)(2) or 273.33(c)(2).
Licensed Software includes error corrections, upgrades, enhancements or new releases, and any deliverables due under a maintenance or service contract (e.g., patches, fixes, PTFs, programs, code or data conversion, or custom programming).
Customer Equipment means hardware, software, systems, cabling and facilities provided by you and used in conjunction with the Equipment that we supply to you in order to receive the Services;
Disabling Devices means undisclosed Software viruses, time bombs, logic bombs, trojan horses, trap doors, back doors, or other computer instructions, intentional devices or techniques that are designed to threaten, infect, assault, vandalize, defraud, disrupt, damage, disable, maliciously encumber, hack into, incapacitate, infiltrate or slow or shut down a computer system or any component of such computer system, including any such device affecting system security or compromising or disclosing user data in an unauthorized manner.
Gambling device means a mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic device, machine, slot
System Software means Software that provides the operating and management instructions for the underlying hardware and other components, and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Systems Software. Such System Software includes, but is not restricted to, micro-code embedded in hardware (i.e., “firmware”), operating systems, communications, system and network management, and utility software.
Alcohol Screening Device (ASD) means a breath or saliva device, other than an Evidential Breath Testing Device (EBT), that is approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and placed on its Conforming Products List for such devices.
Assistive Devices means any category of durable medical equipment, mechanical apparatus, electrical appliance, or instrument of technology used to assist and enhance an individual's independence in performing any activity of daily living. Assistive devices include the use of service animals, general household items, or furniture to assist the individual.
Hosted Software means: (a) Hosted NCR Voyix Software; and (b) Non-NCR Voyix Software provided by a third party as a hosted software application or cloud service and for which Customer purchases a subscription through NCR Voyix pursuant to an Order (“Non-NCR Voyix Hosted Software”).
Beam axis means a line from the source through the centers of the x-ray fields.
Orthotic device means a custom-fitted or custom-fabricated medical device that is applied to a part of the human body to correct a deformity, improve function, or relieve symptoms of a disease.