Examples of WIPO Arbitration Rules in a sentence
If, and to the extent that, any such dispute, controversy or claim has not been settled pursuant to the mediation within sixty (60) days of the commencement of the mediation, it shall, upon the filing of a Request for Arbitration by either party, be referred to and finally determined by arbitration in accordance with the WIPO Arbitration Rules.
Alternatively, if, before the expiration of the said period of sixty (60) days, either party fails to participate or to continue to participate in the mediation, the dispute, controversy or claim shall, upon the filing of a Request for Arbitration by the other party, be referred to and finally determined by arbitration in accordance with the WIPO Arbitration Rules.
If the Dispute has not resolved within 40 Business Days of the service of the Notice of Dispute, it must be referred to and finally determined by arbitration in accordance with the WIPO Arbitration Rules.
All disputes arising in connection with the present Agreement which cannot be solved amicably shall be finally settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the WIPO Arbitration Rules.
The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Beneficiaries concerned] [OPTION 2: arbitration in Brussels under the rules of arbitration of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO Arbitration Rules) by [one (1) arbitrator] [three (3) arbitrators] to be appointed under the terms of those rules.
Alternatively, if one of the parties fails to participate in the mediation process or ceases to participate in the mediation process within the above-mentioned sixty (60)-day dead- line, the dispute shall be subject to the arbitration process following submission of a request for arbitration by the other party pursuant to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Arbitration Rules and shall be adjudicated definitively by way of arbitration.
The most controversial development of the Williams administration was the abandonment of the school’s designation as “Redmen” and the adoption of the “RiverHawk” as the school’s symbol.
Failing a designation on the part of the parties, the Tribunal is empowered under the WIPO Arbitration Rules to apply the law that it determines to be appropriate.
If the Dispute has not resolved within 30 Business Days of the service of the Notice of Dispute, it must be referred to and finally determined by arbitration in accordance with the WIPO Arbitration Rules.
If and to the extent that any such dispute or claim has not been settled pursuant to Section 5.2.2 within forty-five (45) days of the commencement of the mediation, the dispute shall, upon the filing of a Request for Arbitration by any Party, be referred to and finally determined by arbitration in accordance with the WIPO Arbitration Rules.