Withdrawal Receipt definition

Withdrawal Receipt means a written instrument acknowledging receipt of funds from an account maintained with the Insured by a depositor including but not limited to withdrawal slips.
Withdrawal Receipt means a written form provided to depositors by the Assured for the purpose of acknowledging receipt of funds from a deposit account maintained with the Assured by a depositor. WHENEVER ANY OF THE ABOVE TERMS, 1 TO 19 INCLUSIVE, APPEAR IN THE POLICIES, WHICH ARE GIVEN ACCORDING TO THIS RULES OF INSURANCE, THE WORDS "AS DEFINED" SHALLm3ËmumßpmÛÇß qnL6n1ßKn1ÃÛmß µßÃmgpn1Ù ÇLmRmßmg- ín1Ù Kß ÷nËmßmRn1ÙßKL, ÷n÷nËn1ÃÛn1ßßKL, qLmßgn1ÙßKL RmÙ ÷nËmßgn1ÙßKL:13. ÐmumLmR Ùn1LkmR` ÙKR mß&Ç RnÕÙÇg ÙÛn1uÇß uLím6 mßíKLmåmk qLmínL åmLumínLn1ÃÛn1ß, nLuKÕ ß3ím6 Kß nLn3mRÇ qn1ÙmLÇ í×mLÙmß åmLumínLn1ÃÛn1ß µuu ß3ím6 åmkmßçÇ RmÙ đmÙmßmRmkmuím6Ç` Ùn1LkmRn1Ù ß3ím6 mß&Çß, Çß3åKu ßm¨ ßLm kLmÙmßní ßKLRmÛmgßnÕÇß:14. Rn1Ûp ß3mßmRn1Ù ¿ ÙÇmÛß kKu¨ÛmL ßÛn1ÃmRmß mLđKpßKLµ` RmßËÇR ¹LmÙ (mLđn1ÛÃ), ÙKumÕm¹LmÙßKL, nuRn1 RmÙ mL6mÃÇ uumß¹mLumgím6 &n1LmRunLßKL, ÃmßRmLđKp ÙKumÕßKL` gmßRmgm6 uKupní, ¨ ¹LmßgÇg åmuLmuuím6 qmL¹mßmË3KL, ÃmßRmLđKp ¨ RÇumÃmßRmLđKp pmLKL (ßKLmnÛmL 3kÕRím6 ÃmßRmLđKp pmLKL), måmknímqLn1ÃÛmß íRmÛmqLKL,×mßmåmLkmÛÇß 3KRKL, 3KRKL, íRmÛmqLKL, åmLumunÙuKL, RuLnßßKL ¨ mÛL uÇåÇ mLđKÃÕÃKL, åmkKuumÛÇß íRmÛmqLKL, kmímumLÙmqLKL,÷nËmßgKLÇ ¨ kmumLmR Ùn1LkmRßKL, rmßRmÛÇß mRgKåußKL, rmßRmÛÇß ¹LmýuKL, ¹KånqÇumÛÇß íRmÛmqLKL, mRLK¹ÇuÇíßKL, ¹LmÙmRmß ÷nËmßgn1ÙßKL, åKumRmß mLđKÃÕÃKLÇ q6ní ýÇßmßumRmß åmkmßçßKL¨ mÛL 3Lçmßmnn1 ¨ n3 3Lçmßmnn1 qnL6ÇpßKL, 3mLđmRmß ¨ mß3mLđ qn1Ûp, Çß3åKu ßm¨ km3ímåmkmRmß qLmßgmÙmuÛmßßKL ¨ mÛL qLmnn1ÙßKL (rmgmnKLní¿LKRuLnßmÛÇß qLmnn1ÙßKLµ RmÙ km3ÇíßKLÇ ¹KrKun1Ùµ ¨ RLK¹Çun1Ùµ), nLnßp ²åmkním¹ÇLµ RÇLmnn1Ù ¿ ÇL qnL6n1ßKn1ÃÛmß µßÃmgpn1Ù ¨ nLnßg ßRmuÙmÙr²åmkním¹ÇLµ 3mk n1ßÇ, RmÙ nLnßp ßm åmkn1Ù ¿ mßkmun1Ûg` gmßRmgm6 ßåmumRßKLÇ kmÙmL, ¨ nLnßg kmÙmL ßm RLn1Ù ¿ RmÙ 3Ç RLn1Ù ÇLmímRmß åmumuËmßmuín1ÃÛn1ß: 15. hßRmumgÇnß ÀßRKLn1ÃÛn1ß (ÇßRmumgÇm) ß3mßmRn1Ù ¿ åKun1ÃÛmß (RmnmímLn1ÃÛmß) RnÕÙÇg LÇgKßqmínLím6 µßRKLn1ÃÛn1ß, nLµ kmun1R åmkåmßn1ÃÛmß ßKLpn ÇLmRmßmgßn1Ù ¿ mLđKpmínL qn1ÛpÇ ÷nËm¹Ln1Ù:16. ²kmrKR3n1ÃÛn1ß ß3mßmRn1Ù ¿ mß&Ç RmÙ RmqÙmRKLån1ÃÛmß RnÕÙÇg n1đÇ RmÙ rnßn1ÃÛmß RÇLmnn1Ùµ, nLß mßÙÇçmRmßnLKß n1ÕÕím6 ¿ ¹K Ûn1LK RmÙ¹K ýmRun qnL6nÕ RmnmímLn1ÃÛn1ßµ gLKLn1 RmÙ RmnmímLn1ÃÛmß íLm mq¹KLn1` pmÕmpmRmß ßåmumRßKLß ÇLmRmßmgßKLn1 kmÙmL:17. RnÕn1ÃÛn1ß ß3mßmRn1Ù ¿ RnuLmßpÇ ÙÇçngní qn1ÛpÇ qnÕn1ÃÛn1ßµ, RnÕnån1uµ, km÷3umRn1Ùµ ¨ qn1ÛpÇ mßoLÇßmRmß ýÇqÇRmåKu uÇLmåKun1Ùµ (ußoLÇßn1Ùµ)` ßåmumR n1ßKßmLní ²åmkním¹LÇß Ù3umåKu qLRKL ÇL qn1ÛpÇg: 18. ²n¨uLmÛÇß qnL6mLpßKL ß3mßmRn1Ù ¿ mLđKÃÕÃKLÇ, ÙKumÕßKLÇ, måLmßpßKLÇ, ýÛn13KLußKLÇ, oågÇnßßKLÇ, ýnß¹KLÇ, mLđn1ÛÃßKLÇ, mLumLđn1ÛÃßKLÇ ¨ kmÙmßÙmß mÛL qnL6ÇpßKLÇ RÇL...
Withdrawal Receipt means a written instrument acknowledging receipt of funds from an account maintained with the Insured by a depositor

Examples of Withdrawal Receipt in a sentence

  • The authorised representative has to sign the Stock Withdrawal Receipt to acknowledge receipt of the relevant certificates of the Eligible Securities withdrawn.

  • Stock Withdrawal Receipt will be issued by the CCASS Depository to a withdrawing Participant upon each withdrawal of Eligible Securities (as well as securities entitlements which are not Eligible Securities) from CCASS.

  • Indirect or consequential loss or damage including, but not limited to: loss of market, loss of profit, revenue, interest, loss of good will, business interruption, work stoppage or other.

  • Upon collection, a Participant's authorised representative will be given a copy of the relevant Stock Withdrawal Receipt with details of the certificate numbers and quantities withdrawn printed thereon.

  • Confirmation of the IMEI mobile device registration number that is linked to the stolen or compromised device.5. A copy of a police report form from local authorities that confirms exact location of robbery either for a forced purchase from a device or the actual stolen device or purse, bag or rucksack containing the mobile device.6. If yes, a copy of the ATM Cash Withdrawal Receipt showing the fraudulent amount withdrawn and time, date and location of the ATM.

  • Atlantic Union Stop Payment Form: Access Bank Stop Payment Form has been replaced with Atlantic Union Stop Payment Form Check Date Validation: Check date validations have been added Bank Statements: Added an option to show closed facility bank statements Upload Withdrawal Receipt Permission: Added a new permission for Upload Withdrawal Receipts B ug Fixes & Improvements:1.

  • Members shall request the person to acknowledge the transfer by signing the Property Withdrawal Receipt and obtain their signature in the appropriate area.

  • Make a notation in the database regarding the original signature being on the Property Withdrawal Receipt.

  • Shipper’s Points of Transportation, Injection and Withdrawal Receipt and Delivery shall be specified in Exhibit A to its FTNN Service Agreement.

  • Members are responsible for maintaining the property’s chain of custody record (via the Property Withdrawal Receipt) to include instances where the property is transferred to any other person (even if temporarily).

Related to Withdrawal Receipt

  • Withdrawal Date Any day during the period commencing on the 18th day of the month of the related Distribution Date (or if such day is not a Business Day, the immediately preceding Business Day) and ending on the last Business Day prior to the 21st day of the month of such Distribution Date. The “related Due Date” for any Withdrawal Date is the Due Date immediately preceding the related Distribution Date.

  • Final Receipt means the receipt issued by the Principal Regulator, evidencing that a receipt has been, or has been deemed to be, issued for the Final Prospectus in each of the Qualifying Jurisdictions;