Examples of Work participation rate in a sentence
Work participation rate of females is found to be higher than that of males in all categories except in other categories of activities.
Work participation rate of females are found to be higher than males except in the field of cultivation.
Work participation rate is defined as the percentage of total workers (main and marginal) to total population.
Work participation rate (WPR) of the state’s population in general was 36.8 per cent in 2001, a little lower than the average for the country (39.1 per cent).
Work participation rate is found to be higher among rural women (27%) than the urban women (10%).
Work participation rate of the region has been increased in last two decades.
Work participation rate: The work participation rate is the ratio between the labour force and the overall size of their cohort (national population of the same age range).
In the Gender development Indications comparing Kerala and India presented in the Planning and economic affairs Department’s Economic review, chapter 18: Gender and development, thirteen indicators are presented: Sex ratio, Life expectancy at birth, Mean age at marriage, Birth rate, Death rate, Infant mortality rate, Total fertility rate, Literacy rate, Gross enrolments primary/upper primary school, Work participation rate, Public sector employment and Administration employment rate.
ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMS Maryland Virginia63 Washington, DCTANF Work participation rate, job placements, ten dollar per hour job placements, job retention.*Work participation rate.
Unit 2 MEASURES OF DEVELOPMENTPopulation Growth in India: Size and growth rate, Population and economic development, Population policy, Work participation rate, Occupational structure and economic development, Concept of poverty line, Incidence of poverty, Human poverty, Rural poverty, Measures of rural poverty, Strategy of poverty alleviation programme and its evaluation, Rural Work Force, Problems of Unemployment and Underemployment in Rural Areas.