Work Trial definition

Work Trial means a short period of paid employment on a trial or probation basis.
Work Trial means a short period of work experience with a designated employer in a specific work type. It is designed to:

Examples of Work Trial in a sentence

  • Restart Placements can either begin at the start of the paid Work Trial, or at the end of the paid Work Trial when ongoing Employment commences.

  • After the Student has finished one of the Phase 2 aims (or Phase 1 only) then they could do a Work Trial aim.

  • Disabled people taking part in a Work Trial can also apply for advice and support from AtW.

  • For the duration of the Work Trial, the participant is the only person under consideration for the job, which is theirs if the trial is successful.

  • The length of a Work Trial is decided on a case by case basis but is generally just for a few days.

  • All Work Programme participants are eligible to take part in a Jobcentre Plus Work Trial.

  • However, a Work Trial must be authorised by a Jobcentre Plus Work Coach and one may not be appropriate on every occasion, even if the participant is Work Trial eligible.

  • Employers interested in making use of Work Trial as an aid to their recruitment process must enter into a formal agreement with Jobcentre Plus.

  • If a Work Trial Agreement is withdrawn because of doubts about the employer’s integrity, details of the case must be passed to the policy manager.

  • If the agency is acting on behalf of a third party, Jobcentre Plus must be given access to the end employer as that is who we must enter into a Work Trial Agreement with.

Related to Work Trial

  • Phase 2 Trial means a human clinical trial conducted on study subjects with the disease or condition being studied for the principal purpose of achieving a preliminary determination of efficacy or appropriate dosage ranges, as further described in 21 C.F.R. §312.21(b) (including any such clinical study in any country other than the United States).

  • Phase 1 Trial means, with respect to a Product, a human clinical trial that is intended to initially evaluate the safety, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of such Product that would otherwise satisfy the requirements of 21 C.F.R. 312.21(a) or an equivalent clinical trial in a country other than the United States.

  • Phase 3 Trial means a human clinical trial of a Product on a sufficient number of subjects that is designed to establish that a pharmaceutical product is safe and efficacious for its intended use, and to determine warnings, precautions and adverse reactions that are associated with such pharmaceutical product in the dosage range to be prescribed, which trial is intended to support Approval of a Product, as described in 21 C.F.R. 312.21(c) for the United States, or a similar clinical study prescribed by the Regulatory Authorities in a foreign country.

  • Phase I Trial means a clinical trial of a Licensed Product in human patients conducted primarily for the purpose of determining the safety, tolerability and preliminary activity of the Licensed Product, including, without limitation, for determining the maximum tolerated dose, or optimal dose. For purposes of this Agreement, a Phase I trial shall specifically exclude a study in healthy volunteers.

  • Phase II Trial means a clinical trial of a Licensed Product on patients, including possibly pharmacokinetic and dose ranging studies, the principal purposes of which are to make a preliminary determination that such Licensed Product is safe for its intended use and to obtain sufficient information about such Licensed Product’s efficacy to permit the design of further clinical trials, and generally consistent with 21 CFR §312.21(b), or its successor regulation, or the equivalent in any foreign country.

  • Phase III Trial means a human Clinical Trial of the Licensed Product, which trial is designed (a) to establish that the Licensed Product is safe and efficacious for its intended use; (b) to define warnings, precautions and adverse reactions that are associated with the Licensed Product in the dosage range to be prescribed; and (c) consistent with 21 CFR § 312.21(c).

  • Development Work means the conduct of preclinical and clinical trials, the compilation of the regulatory dossier concerning Licensed Products and the conduct of other work necessary or useful for obtaining Regulatory Approval of Licensed Products.

  • Project Plan means the document to be developed by the Contractor and approved by Webel Technology Ltd., based on the requirements of the Contract and the Preliminary Project Plan included in the Contractor’s bid. For the sake of clarity, the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan” refers to the version of the Project Plan submitted by the contractor after receiving the letter of Award and the same approved by Webel Technology Ltd. The project plan may be changed/ modified during the course of the project. Should the Project Plan conflict with the provisions of the Contract in any way, the relevant provisions of the Contract, including any amendments, shall prevail.

  • Phase I Study means a study in humans which provides for the first introduction into humans of a product, conducted in healthy volunteers or patients to obtain information on product safety, tolerability, pharmacological activity or pharmacokinetics, as more fully defined in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(a) (or the non-United States equivalent thereof).

  • Work Plan means a plan that describes each individual activity to be conducted to complete eligible activities and the associated costs of each individual activity.

  • Study means the investigation to be conducted in accordance with the Protocol.

  • System Impact Study means an assessment by the Transmission Provider of (i) the adequacy of the Transmission System to accommodate a Completed Application, an Interconnection Request or an Upgrade Request, (ii) whether any additional costs may be incurred in order to provide such transmission service or to accommodate an Interconnection Request, and (iii) with respect to an Interconnection Request, an estimated date that an Interconnection Customer’s Customer Facility can be interconnected with the Transmission System and an estimate of the Interconnection Customer’s cost responsibility for the interconnection; and (iv) with respect to an Upgrade Request, the estimated cost of the requested system upgrades or expansion, or of the cost of the system upgrades or expansion, necessary to provide the requested incremental rights. System Protection Facilities: “System Protection Facilities” shall refer to the equipment required to protect (i) the Transmission System, other delivery systems and/or other generating systems connected to the Transmission System from faults or other electrical disturbance occurring at or on the Customer Facility, and (ii) the Customer Facility from faults or other electrical system disturbance occurring on the Transmission System or on other delivery systems and/or other generating systems to which the Transmission System is directly or indirectly connected. System Protection Facilities shall include such protective and regulating devices as are identified in the Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards or that are required by Applicable Laws and Regulations or other Applicable Standards, or as are otherwise necessary to protect personnel and equipment and to minimize deleterious effects to the Transmission System arising from the Customer Facility. Transmission Facilities:

  • Clinical Study means a Phase I Study, Phase II Study, Phase III Study, as applicable.

  • Phase III Study means a human clinical trial that is prospectively designed to demonstrate statistically whether a product is safe and effective for use in humans in a manner sufficient to obtain regulatory approval to market such product in patients having the disease or condition being studied as described in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(c) (FDCA), as amended from time to time, and the foreign equivalent thereof.

  • Clinical Trial means a Phase I Clinical Trial, Phase II Clinical Trial or Phase III Clinical Trial, or any post-approval human clinical trial, as applicable.

  • Research Project means a discrete scientific endeavor to answer a research question or a set of research questions related to medical marijuana and is required for a medical marijuana research license.

  • Development Phase means the period before a vehicle type is type approved.

  • Phase 1 Clinical Trial means a human clinical trial of a Licensed Product that would satisfy the requirements of 21 C.F.R. 312.21(a) or corresponding foreign regulations.

  • Phase 2 Clinical Trial means a human clinical trial of a product that would satisfy the requirements of U.S. 21 C.F.R. Part 312.21(b), as amended, and is intended to explore a variety of doses, dose response, and duration of effect, and to generate evidence of clinical safety and effectiveness for a particular Indication or Indications in a target patient population, or a similar clinical study prescribed by the relevant Regulatory Authorities in a country other than the United States.

  • The Project Plan means the document to be developed by the Supplier and approved by the Purchaser, pursuant to GCC Clause 19, based on the requirements of the Contract and the Preliminary Project Plan included in the Supplier’s bid. The “Agreed and Finalized Project Plan” is the version of the Project Plan approved by the Purchaser, in accordance with GCC Clause 19.2. Should the Project Plan conflict with the Contract in any way, the relevant provisions of the Contract, including any amendments, shall prevail.

  • Scope of Work means the description of Services and Deliverables specified in the Contract and as may be amended.

  • Research Plan shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Phase II Study means a human clinical trial, for which the primary endpoints include a determination of dose ranges and/or a preliminary determination of efficacy in patients being studied as described in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(b) (FDCA), as amended from time to time, and the foreign equivalent thereof.