Workplace Right definition

Workplace Right has the same meaning as that contained in Section 341 of the FW Act as far as this applies to Employees.

Examples of Workplace Right in a sentence

  • The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act of 2022.The Office of Congressional Workplace Right (OCWR) publishes the poster highlighting employee rights, responsibilities, and procedures under the CAA.

  • GST on taxable importations are a secondary category of taxable transaction, applicable to goods with a Customs value of $1,000 or greater.

  • EEOC Compliance Manual : Religious Garb and Grooming in the Workplace; Right and Resposabilities, in, ex.

  • The Newport News Public Schools ensures that the Re-evaluation/IEP Team for each child with a disability includes:1.

  • There was a ‘Peace March’ and a street play performed on issues such as Domestic Violence, Sexual Harassment at Workplace, Right to Information and Discrimination against HIV patients in society.7. International Women’s Day was celebrated on 10th March at Byculla.

  • The platforms will need to engage this section of the population to raise awareness on responsible use of social media, but also collect their views on ways in which they think the platforms can respond to challenges for example of hate speech and disinformation.

  • Adverse Action (Workplace Right) Section 340 of the FW Act prohibits taking adverse action against another person because the person has a workplace right or has exercised or failed to exercise a workplace right.

  • Indonesia under Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. Workplace Right to to take action against bullying.

Related to Workplace Right

  • Workplace Representative means a person:

  • Workplace Harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome”. Ref: Occupational Health and Safety Act, Sec. 1 (1). The employee rights set out above shall be interpreted within the context of the Ontario Human Rights Code. An employee who believes that she has been harassed, contrary to this provision shall be encouraged by both parties to follow the Employer’s policy on harassment and process. Failing resolution, an employee may follow the process set out in the Complaint, Grievance and Arbitration procedure in Article 8 of the Collective Agreement. The employee shall be encouraged by both parties to exhaust these processes prior to filing a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

  • Workplace means a place at which, on an average, twenty or more workers are employed.

  • Wildlife officer means any individual authorized by a participating state to issue a citation for a wildlife violation.

  • Nearest Place of Safety means a location determined by the Designated Security Consultant where:

  • Principal place of residence means the residential property where the beneficiary, and/or in the instances specified the spouse or a dependent child of such a person lives the majority of the time during the year – one hundred and eighty-three (183) days in the previous twelve (12) months.

  • Principal place of work means the fixed location to which an employee is required to report for employment duties on a regular and ordinary basis. If the employee is not required to report for employment duties on a regular and ordinary basis to a fixed location, "principal place of work" means the worksite location in this state to which the employee is required to report for employment duties on a regular and ordinary basis. If the employee is not required to report for employment duties on a regular and ordinary basis to a fixed location or worksite location, "principal place of work" means the location in this state at which the employee spends the greatest number of days in a calendar year performing services for or on behalf of the employee's employer.

  • Place of employment means an enclosed area under the control of a public or private employer that employees normally frequent during the course of employment, including, but not limited to, work areas, private offices, employee lounges, restrooms, conference rooms, meeting rooms, classrooms, employee cafeterias, hallways, and vehicles. A private residence is not a "place of employment" unless it is used as a child care, adult day care, or health care facility;